GekkieJ01 Posted March 28, 2010 Report Posted March 28, 2010 (edited) Actieve topic posters & Actieve TDU2'ers: Actieve leden - PS3 ( Wordt geupdate ) [table=header]GTAF naam|Communicatie|PSN Naam GekkieJ01|Headset|GekkieJ01 Redfire|Headset|denviper moechy|Toetsenbord|emotijger Jallehab|Headset|jallehab End of The Riot|Headset|svenw1 Tha-Block|Headset|Tha-Block onbekendeIV|Headset|onbekendeIV Yannick(NL)|Toetsenbord|Wykiey Rullez|Headset|Nasty-Toilet-Man[/table] Actieve leden - PC ( Wordt geupdate ) [table=header]GTAF naam|Gamenaam TonystarkIV|/ Mythbuster | Mythbuster92 BoerTijger | BoerTijger Vice|Earleys Indycar Series|Indycarseries rienie|rienie[/table] schrijft het volgende: Atari kondigt Test Drive Unlimited 2 aan Door Jurian Ubachs, woensdag 3 maart 2010 09:02Uitgever Atari heeft Test Drive Unlimited 2 aangekondigd. De racegame biedt de speler, net het origineel, race-actie met dure bolides in exotische omgevingen, waarbij offline en online gecombineerd worden.Test Drive Unlimited 2 schotelt spelers een game voor die veel lijkt op de originele Test Drive Unlimited, maar met de nodige extra features. Zo zullen spelers een geheel nieuw eiland kunnen verkennen in hun racemonsters.Ook zal TDU2 een verhaal bevatten dat spelers zowel offline als in multiplayer-verband kunnen doorspelen. Bovendien bevat het spel een schademodel voor de auto's en zullen er gedurende een dag- en nachtcyclus ook veranderende weersomstandigeden optreden, zo maakten Atari en Namco Bandai Partners woensdagochtend bekend.Het racespel, dat in Europa op de markt gebracht zal worden door het netwerk van Namco Bandai Partners, voegt offline en online gameplay samen, net zoals het eerste deel dat deed. Spelers kunnen op eigen houtje de wereld verkennen en het on the fly opnemen tegen andere aanwezige spelers. Het spel is feitelijk altijd online, al worden spelers niet verplicht ook direct tegen andere gamers te spelen.Test Drive Unlimited 2 verschijnt voor de Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 en voor de pc. Atari en Namco Bandai Partners hebben nog geen releasedatum bekendgemaakt. Bron: en Mijn mening: Ik vind het super dat ze nog een 2e TDU maken, Test Drive Unlimited was/is voor mij al een succes geweest dus ik ben zeker van plan om TDU2 te gaan kopen. De verschillende auto's, het realisme van het spel dat nu nog groter wordt dan Test Drive Unlimited doordat je richtingaanwijzers, ruitenwissers enzovoort aan kan doen en de weerseffecten maakt het hopelijk weer een super spel Edited October 8, 2015 by Visser23 Quote
GekkieJ01 Posted March 28, 2010 Author Report Posted March 28, 2010 (edited) Meer, meer en nog meer: Bron: - Day/Night cycle Confirmed: 1 day lasts 2 hours 30 minutes, when online all players have the same cycle. - Dynamic Weather Confirmed: Sunny days, Storms etc - The game takes place on Ibiza, and has been remodelled by Eden, like Oahu was for TDU1. - There will be 4 ways to earn experience points: competition, social (number of friends, races between players, ...), discovery (discover the secret roads of the island ...) collection (buy more cars, houses ...) - Damage Confirmed - Turn Signals (indicators) confirmed - The island will take 20-30 minutes to go from side to side, and around 40 minutes to go around - They have said the customization of the cars is very similar to Forza 3, and that you can sell customized cars. - You can jump around the map to previous saved bookmarks, like in TDU1- DLC's are planned. Multiplayer:- A single server for all players<BR>- You can create your own servers, and stay in that server with your friends while you go into shops etc -You can shop online, with your friends - Servers of 8 players- In and out of club races (like TDU1) - There are exclusive vehicles for some clubs, and there will be one exclusive car per club Vehicles: ( Met dank aan Dj-GTA ) Audi - TTRS Roadster (pic) - TTS (pic) - Q7 V12 TDI (pic) - R8 V8 (pic) Aston Martin - DBS (pic) Dodge - Charger SRT8 (pic) - Viper SRT10 (pic) Ford - GT (pic) - Mustang (pic, not in-game) Gumpert -Apollo Sport (pic) Koenigsegg - CCXR (pic) Lancia - Delta Integrale (pic) McLaren - MP4-12C (pic, club-exclusive) Mercedes - 300SL (pic) - SLR 722 S McLaren Roadster (pic) - Unconfirmed, SLR Z199 (Stirling Moss?) (pic) Pagani - Zonda F (pic) - Zonda Cinque (pic) - Unconfirmed, Zonda C12S (pic) - Unconfirmed, Zonda C12S Roadster (pic) Saleen - Unconfirmed, S5S Raptor (pic) - Unconfirmed, S7 Twin Turbo (pic) Spyker - C8 (pic) - Unconfirmed, C12 Zagato (pic) - Unconfirmed, Peking to Paris SSUV (pic) Screens: Edited May 8, 2010 by GekkieJ01 Quote
onbekendeIV Posted March 28, 2010 Report Posted March 28, 2010 man het eerste deel was al zo vet, kan echt niet wachten tot deze uit komt Quote
Flokkert Posted March 28, 2010 Report Posted March 28, 2010 man het eerste deel was al zo vet Het eerste deel was inderdaad vet! Quote
Flashingdemon666 Posted March 28, 2010 Report Posted March 28, 2010 Deel 1 was een geweldige race game voor de psp. Helaas kmt deel 2 niet voor de psp uit. Quote
Rullez Posted March 29, 2010 Report Posted March 29, 2010 Gelukkig komt deeltje 2 wel op de PlayStation 3. Ik heb deel 1 wel op de PSP en PC gespeeld maar was het toch net niet vanwege de graphics of de besturing, dus deel 2 moet het gewoon worden. Quote
Fedmas Posted March 29, 2010 Report Posted March 29, 2010 Had het eens op mijn oude PC geinstalleerd,alleen het beviel me toen niet, pc was te langzaam. Nu heb ik een nieuwe pc, en nu valt de GFX me tegen. Dus ik hoop dat TDU2 dat weer goedmaakt! Quote
Rullez Posted March 29, 2010 Report Posted March 29, 2010 Mijn probleem met race games op de computer is vooral de besturing met het toetsenbord, een druk op de pijltjes en je schiet gewoon gelijk die kant op. En om nou gelijk een stuurtje te kopen voor de ene race game lijkt mij vrij overbodig. Quote
GekkieJ01 Posted March 30, 2010 Author Report Posted March 30, 2010 Mijn probleem met race games op de computer is vooral de besturing met het toetsenbord, een druk op de pijltjes en je schiet gewoon gelijk die kant op. En om nou gelijk een stuurtje te kopen voor de ene race game lijkt mij vrij overbodig. Daar heb ik ook last van, ook vind ik het steeds kutter worden dat het verkeer zo fucking raar rijdt, express door rijden door rood enzo... op 2 baans weg opeens naar rechts komen zonder richtingaanwijzers enzo en dan toeteren... enzovoort. En ik vind dat je helemaal gelijk hebt over die pijltjestoetsen, totdat ik een G25 gekocht heb, dan is het opeens een stuk realistischer... Quote
Tha-Ran Posted March 31, 2010 Report Posted March 31, 2010 Geweldig! Ik weet nog dat ik met Rullez online ging met dit spel op de PSP, was wel lache.. Als ik me verveel, en heb ik ff geen zin in PS3 dan doe ik dit spel op de PSP, anders op de PC. Idd, die besturing is erg kut met pijltjestoetsen, maar met een stuurtje is het wel te doen. Quote
GekkieJ01 Posted April 2, 2010 Author Report Posted April 2, 2010 (edited) En weer een aantal nieuwe updates over TDU2, en om eerlijk te zijn, de nieuwtjes worden steeds leuker... Hopelijk kan m'n PC het aan, en anders koop ik het gewoon op de PS3 There will definitely be a story, however, there are no details known yet.The length of the roads will be 930 km and the offroad tracks will be 310 km. The island's size will be 381 km². There is a picture of the island map on which you can spot some of the roads, as well as towns and villages. (He's refering to the map picture in the magazine) You can earn points in free ride mode by performing difficult manoeuvres (e.g. drifting) or by driving at high speed. The earned points are displayed in a progress bar. When you crash, the points are lost. You can race versus friends from the enhanced friend list, for which you will gain points as well. Offroad, it will be possible to discover car wrecks. Discovering car wrecks will unlock exclusive vehicles at the car dealers. There will be optical damage only. The damage will have no affect on the vehicle's performance or handling. On the other hand the damage does not cost anything, because there will be no car repairs. The cars will be more detailed, but the environment probably not. Release is planned for the third quarter of 2010. Bronnen:,, Edited April 2, 2010 by GekkieJ01 Quote
GekkieJ01 Posted April 2, 2010 Author Report Posted April 2, 2010 (edited) En het 2e nieuwsbericht van TDU is een verhaal van Pelejaa Magazine uit Finland, lees snel het verhaal! From hawai'i to ibizaTDU2 offers even more free driving. test drive -series keeps going this year when test drive unlimited (2006) gets a sequel. The first game got a good reception from both media and players. The first game which combined mmo- and sandbox game elements and took place at oahu, hawai'i, still has a few thousand active players. TDU2 aims to make everything even bigger and better. It has over twice as much content as the first game and the development of the game has taken years. The driving model has been completely renewed and it looks like the cars have big differences compared to each other. We didn't get our hands on the game yet so it's hard to tell anything about the driving model yet. The early version showed to media took place at the island of ibiza, which has lots of size and variation between coast roads, villages and mountain roads.the huge island is modeled with satellite pictures like the first game and in addition to the cities and villages the island also offers almost 1000 kilometers of road. In addition to the offical roads there are lots of hidden off-road routes where you get to find treasures which means hidden cars and earning experience points. The big thing of test drive - the feeling of driving seemed to be in the game perfectly when the producer who introduced the game to us, nour polloni, cruised on ibiza roads in a convertible during sunset. This time you get to cruise with your pal too, he/she can be the co-driver giving you instructions. Also included are the dynamically changing time and weather. The daytime is server-based and one day takes around two and a half hours and the game's lighting gets its rights during sunset. Rain also affects car handling. The first TDU kinda froze towards the ending because the main target was to collect only more money and new cars. This time included is a big experience- and level system which is used to unlock new content. You can collect exp. In 4 different categories: Racing, collecting, searching and socializing with other players. You can also chain the points to huge combos by for example driving like a madman and drifting the streets avoiding the oncoming traffic. Ofcourse money is also in a important role but the players are encouraged to do more than just races. rid of the menus: the community has also got a bigger role in the sequel. This time the players have their own characters which you can use to walk around the virtual ibiza and the shops in it like playstation home. They have tried to get rid of the menus and for that reason for example the boring menu of multiplayer lobby is replaced with a environment at the race start where you can walk around, talk and watch other peoples' cars before the race starts. At the car shop you can watch your coming ride from the inside as well. The interiors have great detail in them and also the features of the cars work like opening windows and convertible roofs. You can also meet other players at the shop and you can communicate with them with either speech or by using different gestures. The car customization has been improved and the sequel also has a sticker editor, which looked like it worked just like the one in forza motorsport. You can even customize the coloring of the interiors, which brings more personality to the cars. The cars also get dents and scratches but how the damage affects car handling was still a question. Waarschijnlijk niet Technically the game was running smoothly even though the release date is months away. The brilliant ideas from the first game such as starting a race anytime, anywhere with someone or teleporting to any road you have unlocked are still included and they work even faster. Graphically the game seemed a bit unfinished, excluding the amazing interiors and the huge drawing distance, but the new camera system and better engine sounds convinced with their qualities. Actual new gamemodes weren't wanted to be shown at this point, but the makers wanted to convince that they haven't forgotten offline players. There will be lots of new content and some kind of a storyline. More info will be given during the coming months. reputation and honour: clubs are test drive versions of clans and guilds of mmo-games. Every club has its own club room where you can hang around freely, play minigames and of course admire cars. You can gift money to the clubs shared cash pot and then use use the cash to update the club room and buy rare cars that you can't access any other way. For example the super-fast racecar gumpert apollo is included in these clubcars, which only 1 member can use at a time. When other players see you in a rare car, they know right away that you are part of the elite. The clubs can also challenge other clubs to races and earn more money. Also inner-club racing can be done and the game keeps leaderboards of many things. In addition to the club room the player also has his own home where you can invite your friends. By updating your house you get access to new little features and finally you can even have your own yatch which has everything from sunbeds to jacuzzis. Friends of racing games should keep an eye on tdu2 because there is certainly going to be something that cannot be found on other racing games, but the actual driving feeling remains still in the dark. Eden studios' last game, alone in the dark, was a huge disappointment so i'm a bit cauctious about tdu2, but again the first game was so good so i don't think the studio will screw up the sequel. Tdu2 is released in fall for the playstation 3, xbox 360 and pc. Interviewing the director of the game, alain jarniou why ibiza? -we wanted to change the environment and we were thinking what place would be the best for the game series and its jetset-lifestyle. Ibiza was a natural choice because of its reputation and its terrain. How would you describe the driving model of the game? Is it more simulation like forza or gran turismo or is it more arcade? -comparing it to the other games is difficult because they focus on track driving. We have to think about many other things also. We got lots of criticism of the first game's driving model so we built a brand new one for the second game. Work has taken years but is now making results. We also wanted that the differences between cars would be notable and in the new engine all the different features of the cars affect handling. Also important is that the cars would be fun to drive even for hours straight. have you increased the amount of players at one time? In the first game there could only be 8 guys at a time? -during free-roaming there are still max. 8 cars but we have improved our algorithms so that there won't be situations like in the first game where other cars show up for just a moment and then disappear right away. But in walking mode at the shops and clubs there are max. 32 players at the same time. Foto's uit het magazine: Mijn mening: Ik vind het echt supergaaf dat je uit kan stappen uit je auto's, de schade aan de auto's natuurlijk en het meerijden met een vriend/vriendin van je, hopelijk laten ze het spel niet teveel op GTA lijken, alhoewel ik dat natuurlijk niet denk aangezien dit een racegame is met een pluspuntje voor realisme. Edited April 2, 2010 by GekkieJ01 Quote
Tha-Ran Posted April 4, 2010 Report Posted April 4, 2010 Kolere! Ziet er echt zooo gaaf uit man, maar ik weet nu al dat ik hem niet aankan aangezien ik TDU zelf nog maar net aankan op mijn laptopje. Maar ik koop hem wss op de PS3. Als we hem allemaal hebben, moeten we wel ff online gaan he.. Quote
GekkieJ01 Posted April 4, 2010 Author Report Posted April 4, 2010 Kolere! Ziet er echt zooo gaaf uit man, maar ik weet nu al dat ik hem niet aankan aangezien ik TDU zelf nog maar net aankan op mijn laptopje. Maar ik koop hem wss op de PS3. Als we hem allemaal hebben, moeten we wel ff online gaan he.. Natuurlijk Gaan we effe meeten @ een kroeg Quote
onbekendeIV Posted April 4, 2010 Report Posted April 4, 2010 Kolere! Ziet er echt zooo gaaf uit man, maar ik weet nu al dat ik hem niet aankan aangezien ik TDU zelf nog maar net aankan op mijn laptopje. Maar ik koop hem wss op de PS3. Als we hem allemaal hebben, moeten we wel ff online gaan he.. Natuurlijk Gaan we effe meeten @ een kroeg ja en dan zeker er dronken eruit komen als in IV Quote
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