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Small script problem

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OK, so I was making a script for The Cousins Bellic from IV, took me lot of effort to do [you know, a chat with lots of replys and .wavs while checking if you're in the car and not have arrived at the 'mansion' is a bit hard :rol: ].

Before seeing the script, here's what you need to know:

- 0@ is the var for Roman's car

- 1@ is the var for Roman

- 2@ is the var that defines the current piece of dialogue playing [from 0 to 39]. It's renewed after each dialogue

- 3@ is the random var which can be 45238 or 45239 for defining which .wav is played when passing the cab office

- 4@ is the house marker var

- 5@ is the house sphere var

- 6@ is the var that defines if the player's passed the cab depot [0 = false, 1 = true :puh:] so the .wav won't play in a loop after arriving at the cab depot

- 10@ is the marker for Roman's car if the player left it

- :R1 is the mission label

- :R1_1 is the first part of the mission

- :R1_2 is the label put in the while true loop so the code can re-start the loop [used when I had to jump to the start of the loop after playing an audio piece]

- :R1_3 is the ending label

- :R1_NIC is the abrevation of "Roman 1 Not In Car". It's the label the script goes when you leave the car.

- :R1_PASS, :R1_FAIL and :R1_CLEAN are self explanatory :puh:

- all Zero dialogue [from bank 217] is used but the last .wav from there. So the missions has 55 .wavs, some are unused

- if you don't have an actor model called "ROMAN" in the gta3.img, then edit "load_special_actor 'ROMAN' to "load_special_actor 'SWEET'

OK, so can you help me with the following?

- I'm facing a major bug - the mission works perfectely for me, no crash, only problem is the sphere [5@] and safehouse marker [4@] don't dissapear.

- For others, the mission crashes when it reaches the end. Strange.

- how can you end a .wav before it finishes?

Here's an archive with the following:

- the main.txt

- american.gxt and american.ini for GXT help

- Bank_217 for all the sounds from the mission, add using SAAT or Alci's SAAT GUI

I can't post the main.txt here 'cause it'd stretch the page :puh:

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