GtaGekkerd Geplaatst: 15 september 2009 Rapport Geplaatst: 15 september 2009 Hoe zet je maps in je server? ik heb de code: v0.4 -Added menus for setting most of race specific settings: /buildmenu & /raceadmin. /loadrace [race] also pops open a menu. -Complete overhaul on the prizes system -Winner gets 3/6ths of the pot, second 2/6ths and the 3rd 1/6th. -Different prize systems: - Fixed: Prize money is a set sum - Dynamic: Prize money is 1$ per 1m of whole race's lenght (ie. drive 20km, prize will be 20,000$) - Entry fee: All racers have to pay a set sum of money, the entry fees are shared among the top 3. - Entry fee + Fixed: All racers pay to join the race, prize: the fees + fixed sum of money - Entry fee + Dynamic: All racers pay to join the race, prize: the fees + dynamic sum (1$ for 1m) -Added a race rotation system that switches between races automatically -Fixed a minor bug with setting /racemode 2 in race builder, thanks to Rush_iam for the report. -Prevented giving negative values to various commands, and added few missing feedbacks v0.3 -You don't have to be in the starting checkpoint to /ready anymore, should allow more racers now, as well as larger vehicles. -Once half of the /joined players are /ready, the race will start after 2 minutes (time adjustable, can also be turned off). -/ready players won't be locked until countdown starts -Added /deleterace for deleting races (if either RACEADMIN or BUILDADMIN are defined, this command requires admin access) -Added racemode 3 "Mirror Mode". The races start from the last CP, and work their way to the first. -Added /airrace, which changes the checkpoints to air CP rings and back. -Added /cpsize for setting the checkpoint size for the race (default: 8.0) -Added #define MAX_BUILDERS, which determines how many players can build a race at once (default: 4, ~3 times smaller compile size than before) -Readded /racestart. You can change cpsize, mode and laps between loadrace and racestart (or via using editrace) -/racemode now accepts [default/ring/yoyo/mirror] as parameters, in addition to numbers -/bestlap doesn't show best laps, nor are the laptimes are saved for racemode 0 races (since they don't have laps anyways) -/bestlap [race] and /bestrace [race] now display the topscores for the specific race -/bestlap and /bestrace will display the scores for the previous race until new one is loaded. -Improved the readability of time -Multiple small bug fixes v0.2d [d for dcmd] -Code cleaning. All commands now use dcmd instead, new function for setting checkpoints during race -Fixed a bug that caused the automatic endrace to stop functioning in certain situations. -Added /racemode and /setlaps to /buildhelp -Fixed a bug with /racemode and /setlaps in building mode, now they should be saved properly for all builders. v0.2 -Removed /startrace, doing /loadrace now loads the race, and starts it. -Added /setlaps for setting how many laps are to be driven. Doing this in buildrace mode saves the amount of laps, doing this while a race is active overrides the race's laps setting. -Added /racemode for setting the racemode. See OP for details -Added /bestlap and /bestrace for viewing the top-5 lap times and track times. -Modified the racefile format slightly, it now stores the top-5 times, along with racemode/laps information and race creator's name, as well as version number for future compatibility. v0.1a -Prevented passengers from getting /ready -Prevented using /ready to unready once countdown has started -Prevented /buildrace when the wannabe builder is participating in a race -Trying to /ready outside the starting checkpoint now returns the correct error message -Fixed few situations where race wouldn't start even if everyone was /ready -Added #defines RACEADMIN and BUILDADMIN which disables some commands from non-admins, uncomment from source to enable -Players have their builder/racer status removed on disconnect -Some code cleaning, new functions and such v0.1 -Prevented /joining races that have already started (ie. countdown had started) -Added/rcp for replacing current checkpoint with a new one -Added /editrace for editing previously created tracks. -Using OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint() instead of timer, should work even better than before (thanks to switch for letting me know about the option! ) -Added sounds to countdown and checkpoints. v0.01 -Fixed a bug with /scp when selecting CP 0 when no CPs have been created yet. -Prevented players from /joining the race multiple times (thanks to switch for noticing this) -Now multiple people can be building races at the same time -Cleaned up the code a bit, using multidimensional arrays now. -Added /mcp for moving checkpoints. Usage: /mcp [x/y/z] [amount] -Added /dcp for deleting checkpoints. Usage: /dcp v0.001 Of is dit geen code daar voor ik wil het forumle 1 ciriquite hebben Reageren
Sandra Geplaatst: 15 september 2009 Rapport Geplaatst: 15 september 2009 Lol, eigenlijk mag ik helemaal niet lachen, maar ik lig hier echt helemaal dubbel! Wat jij hier gepost hebt, is een change-log. Dat is een lijstje met updates/fixes die de maker van het script heeft gedaan aan het script. De code die je moet hebben, zal je moeten downloaden. De link ervan zal ook wel op de pagina staan waar je de bovenstaande tekst vandaan hebt. Succes ermee Reageren
Sandra Geplaatst: 15 september 2009 Rapport Geplaatst: 15 september 2009 >>> Door Sandra: Edit: Alle offtopic berichten verwijderd. De eerst volgende die offtopic krijgt 20% gratis en voor niets.<<< Reageren
GtaGekkerd Geplaatst: 18 september 2009 Auteur Rapport Geplaatst: 18 september 2009 *Bumpje * Reageren
Remi-X Geplaatst: 18 september 2009 Rapport Geplaatst: 18 september 2009 (bewerkt) Ehm, waarom nu weer een bump? Je hebt niks verandert aan je "Changlog"/"Tutorial", dus er valt nog steeds niet veel goeds op aan te merken. Of wil je alleen maar meer negatieve reacties? Of word je niet goed begrepen? Kan ook nog, maar leg dan je bedoeling uit. @Hieronder: Het zal dan inderdaad wel een vraag zijn ja, maar ik zie de vraag er toch echt niet in. Ik dacht hem toch echt al beantwoord te hebben op MSN. Bewerkt: 18 september 2009 door Remi-X Reageren
.Timothy Geplaatst: 18 september 2009 Rapport Geplaatst: 18 september 2009 Het is geen tutorial, maar een vraag naar een script (lees de laatste twee regels uit de hoofdpost).. GtaGekkerd, kan je misschien de link geven waar je deze tekst vandaan hebt? Als je dat doet, kunnen we je verder op weg helpen. Reageren
JoshTheBoss Geplaatst: 18 september 2009 Rapport Geplaatst: 18 september 2009 baggeerr.... sorry ook nix persoonnlijks! >>> Door Sandra: Gelieve dit soort uitspraken achterwege te laten.<<< Reageren
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