Donald F. Duck Geplaatst: 27 mei 2010 Rapport Geplaatst: 27 mei 2010 Om mijn mods te testen gebruik ik een stripped SCM, maar nu wil ik een mod maken waar parachutespringen in voorkomt, maar in een lege SCM zit het script om te springen niet. Welke objecten/scripts/enz. moet ik allemaal importeren/toevoegen in mijn stripped SCM om parachutes werkend te maken? Reageren
Revolution-Designer Geplaatst: 27 mei 2010 Rapport Geplaatst: 27 mei 2010 Dit heb ik ook een keer geprobeerd. Je moet het script van de parachute uit de originele main.scm halen en in je eigen versie zetten. Het script is een zogenaamd external script, zo noemt de main.scm het in ieder geval. Als je de originele main.scm opent zie je ,wanneer je wat naar onderen scrolt, de volgende codes staan: DEFINE EXTERNAL_SCRIPTS 78 // Use -1 in order not to compile AAA script DEFINE SCRIPT PLAYER_PARACHUTE AT @PLCHUTE // 0 Nu moet je dus in je stripped main.scm dit script invoeren. Verander simpelweg DEFINE EXTERNAL_SCRIPTS 78 naar DEFINE EXTERNAL_SCRIPTS 1 en plaats onder deze regel de code voor de parachute. Nu scrol je helemaal naar beneden in de originele main.scm totdat je bij :PLCHUTE komt. Nu kopieer je de hele thread totdat deze ophoud, dus wanneer een nieuw script begint. De gekopieerde code plak je in je eigen main.scm en testen. Als ik me niet vergis heb ik dit al eens geprobeerd maar zonder succes, het is waarschijnlijk een kwestie van uitproberen en testen. Veel succes. Reageren
Beagle Geplaatst: 27 mei 2010 Rapport Geplaatst: 27 mei 2010 Ik heb het nog nooit geprobeerd, maar ik zou ook het external script DEFINE SCRIPT PARACHUTE AT @PARACH // 1 toevoegen. Ook zie je soms in de main.scm staan dat een external script gestart en gestopt wordt, dit is denk ik alleen nodig wanneer je iemand gescript wil laten parachute springen maar dit weet ik ook niet zeker. Reageren
Donald F. Duck Geplaatst: 27 mei 2010 Auteur Rapport Geplaatst: 27 mei 2010 (bewerkt) Allebei geïmporteerd, CJ valt gewoon zoals normaal zonder para en roept (zoals vaker) 'I hate gravity!' Opvallend is dat de hoogtemeter het wel doet. Ik zal eens proberen ook alle objectverwijzingen te importeren in het bestand, misschien is dat ook nodig. Edit: Ik denk dat het daar aan ligt, ik zag namelijk dat een #PARACHUTE en een #PARA_PACK gebruikt werden, en deze zijn te importeren. Edit2: Na het importeren van alle objecten met 'PARA' in de naam doet hij het nog steeds niet. Tot nu toe geïmporteerd (nummers zijn die nummers wat rechts als commentaar geschreven zijn): Extern script PLAYER_PARACHUTE (origineel nr. 0 en @PLCHUTE) Extern script PARACHUTE (origineel nr. 1 en @PARACH) Object KMB_PARACHUTE (origineel nr. 252) Object PARA_PACK (origineel nr. 304) Object PARACHUTE (origineel nr. 307) Object PARA_COLLISION (origineel nr. 336) Bewerkt: 27 mei 2010 door Donald F. Duck Reageren
Revolution-Designer Geplaatst: 27 mei 2010 Rapport Geplaatst: 27 mei 2010 Vreemd, misschien is het handig om deze vraag ook op te stellen aangezien hier weinig mensen zijn die van dit soort dingen weinig verstand hebben of niet weten hoe ze met dit onderdeel overweg moeten. Reageren
Beagle Geplaatst: 27 mei 2010 Rapport Geplaatst: 27 mei 2010 Wat is het nou precies dat niet werkt? Het hele parachute springen gebeuren, of actors/speler laten parachute springen via het script? Reageren
Donald F. Duck Geplaatst: 27 mei 2010 Auteur Rapport Geplaatst: 27 mei 2010 Het probleem is dat, wanneer ik CJ met parachute van een gebouw af laat springen (ik, de speler zelf), de parachute niet naar behoren werkt, CJ valt gewoon naar beneden zoals bij een gewone val. Reageren
Dutchy3010 Geplaatst: 27 mei 2010 Rapport Geplaatst: 27 mei 2010 @RD: echt een super advies, ga maar naar een ander forum. ZAZ heeft ooit een mooi script gemaakt, een stripped main.scm mét o.a. een parachute. Probeer hem eens uit en kijk wat het doet, zou ik zeggen. DEFINE OBJECTS 10 DEFINE OBJECT ( DEFINE OBJECT INFO // Object number -1 DEFINE OBJECT KEYCARD // Object number -2 DEFINE OBJECT PICKUPSAVE // Object number -3 DEFINE OBJECT BODYARMOUR // Object number -4 DEFINE OBJECT BRIBE // Object number -5 DEFINE OBJECT KMB_PARACHUTE // Object number -6 DEFINE OBJECT PARA_PACK // Object number -7 DEFINE OBJECT PARACHUTE // Object number -8 DEFINE OBJECT PARA_COLLISION // Object number -9 DEFINE MISSIONS 1 DEFINE MISSION 0 AT @INITIAL // Initial 1 DEFINE EXTERNAL_SCRIPTS 1 DEFINE SCRIPT PLAYER_PARACHUTE AT @PLCHUTE // 0 DEFINE UNKNOWN_EMPTY_SEGMENT 0 DEFINE UNKNOWN_THREADS_MEMORY 0 //-------------MAIN--------------- 03A4: name_thread 'MAIN' 016A: fade 0 time 0 042C: set_total_missions_to 0 030D: set_max_progress 0 01F0: set_max_wanted_level_to 6 0111: set_wasted_busted_check 0 00C0: set_current_time_hours_to 10 minutes_to 0 04E4: unknown_refresh_game_renderer_at -6.6101 0.584 03CB: set_rendering_origin_at -6.6101 0.5846 24.9985 0053: $PLAYER_CHAR = create_player #NULL at -6.6101 0.5846 24.9985 07AF: $PLAYER_GROUP = player $PLAYER_CHAR group 01F5: $PLAYER_ACTOR = get_player_actor $PLAYER_CHAR 0173: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR Z_angle_to 180.0 0373: set_camera_directly_behind_player 0629: change_integer_stat 181 to 4 0998: add_respect 1000 062A: change_float_stat 165 to 800.0 062A: change_float_stat 23 to 100.0 062A: change_float_stat 21 to 200.0 062A: change_float_stat 160 to 1000.0 062A: change_float_stat 223 to 1000.0 062A: change_float_stat 229 to 1000.0 062A: change_float_stat 230 to 1000.0 0629: change_integer_stat 225 to 1000 0629: change_integer_stat 22 to 1000 0629: change_integer_stat 156 to 1000 062A: change_float_stat 81 to 1000.0 0629: change_integer_stat 64 to 1000 0629: change_integer_stat 65 to 1000 062A: change_float_stat 69 to 1000.0 062A: change_float_stat 70 to 1000.0 062A: change_float_stat 71 to 1000.0 062A: change_float_stat 72 to 1000.0 062A: change_float_stat 73 to 1000.0 062A: change_float_stat 74 to 1000.0 062A: change_float_stat 75 to 1000.0 062A: change_float_stat 76 to 1000.0 062A: change_float_stat 77 to 1000.0 062A: change_float_stat 78 to 1000.0 062A: change_float_stat 79 to 1000.0 0629: change_integer_stat 181 to 4 0A1F: increase_float_stat 24 by 500.0 055E: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR max_health += 150 055F: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR max_armour += 150 0223: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR health_to 250 035F: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR armour += 250 0330: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR infinite_run 1 07FE: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR fighting_style_to 6 6 0572: enable_taxi_nitros 1 087B: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR clothes_texture "BBALLJACKRSTAR" model "BBJACK" body_part 0 087B: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR clothes_texture "JEANSDENIM" model "JEANS" body_part 2 087B: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR clothes_texture "SNEAKERBINCBLK" model "SNEAKER" body_part 3 087B: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR clothes_texture "PLAYER_FACE" model "HEAD" body_part 1 070D: rebuild_player $PLAYER_CHAR 0109: player $PLAYER_CHAR money += 500000 08DE: lose_stuff_after_busted 0 08DD: lose_stuff_after_wasted 0 0180: set_on_mission_flag_to $ONMISSION // Note: your missions have to use the variable defined here 02FA: set_garage 'BODLAWN' type 38 02FA: set_garage 'MODLAST' type 36 02FA: set_garage 'MDSSFSE' type 38 02FA: set_garage 'MDS1SFS' type 37 02FA: set_garage 'VECMOD' type 38 02FA: set_garage 'MICHDR' type 5 02FA: set_garage 'HBGDSFS' type 19 0237: set_gang 1 weapons_to 30 32 24 0004: $1903 = 1 0005: $1500 = 5.0 0005: $1501 = -5.0 0005: $1503 = -1.5 0005: $1504 = -30.0 0005: $1505 = 32.0 0005: $1506 = 0.0 0004: $1512 = 0 0004: $FREEFALL_STAGE = 0 0004: $PARACHUTE_CREATION_STAGE = 0 0914: NOP 0 01B6: set_weather 1 04BB: select_interior 0 01B4: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR can_move 1 01B7: release_weather 016C: restart_if_wasted_at -6.6101 0.5846 24.9985 angle 180.0 town_number 0 016D: restart_if_busted_at -6.6101 0.5846 24.9985 angle 180.0 town_number 0 0417: start_mission 0 ///------------- starts mission 0 (Initial 1) to setup stuff like parked cars or pickups 004F: create_thread @SAVE///----------starts the thread script to make a savegame 016A: fade 1 time 1000 0001: wait 100 ms 03E6: remove_text_box 0004: $SCRIPT_STATUS = 0 :MAIN_860//--------- permanent Loop of the main thread includes the extern script starter for parachuting 0001: wait 0 ms 00D6: if 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined 004D: jump_if_false @MAIN_958 00D6: if 0491: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR has_weapon 46 004D: jump_if_false @MAIN_954 0926: $SCRIPT_STATUS = external_script_status 0 (PLAYER_PARACHUTE) 00D6: if 0038: $SCRIPT_STATUS == 0 004D: jump_if_false @MAIN_947 08A9: load_external_script 0 (PLAYER_PARACHUTE) 00D6: if 08AB: external_script 0 (PLAYER_PARACHUTE) loaded 004D: jump_if_false @MAIN_947 0913: run_external_script 0 (PLAYER_PARACHUTE) :MAIN_947 0002: jump @MAIN_958 :MAIN_954 090F: end_external_script 0 (PLAYER_PARACHUTE) :MAIN_958 0002: jump @MAIN_860//--------- permanent Loop of the main thread ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// :SAVE//----------------------thread script to make a savegame 03A4: name_thread 'SAVE' 0570: $SV02 = create_asset_radar_marker_with_icon 35 at -14.4657 -13.4386 25.2415 018B: set_marker $SV02 radar_mode 2 :SAVE_40 0001: wait 0 ms 0213: $SV01 = create_pickup #PICKUPSAVE type 3 at -14.4657 -13.4386 25.2415 :SAVE_68 0001: wait 0 ms 00D6: if 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined 004D: jump_if_false @SAVE_68 00D6: if 0214: pickup $SV01 picked_up 004D: jump_if_false @SAVE_68 0050: gosub @SAVE_118 0002: jump @SAVE_40 :SAVE_118 00D6: if 0038: $ONMISSION == 0 004D: jump_if_false @SAVE_227 0004: $ONMISSION = 1 01B4: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR can_move 0 0001: wait 350 ms 03D8: show_save_screen :SAVE_157 00D6: if 83D9: not save_done 004D: jump_if_false @SAVE_181 0001: wait 0 ms 0002: jump @SAVE_157 :SAVE_181 00A1: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR at -6.6101 0.5846 24.9985 01B4: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR can_move 1 0004: $ONMISSION = 1 0001: wait 350 ms 0004: $ONMISSION = 0 :SAVE_227 0051: return //-------------Mission 0--------------- // Originally: Initial 1 :INITIAL 03A4: name_thread 'INITIAL' 014B: $MR1 = init_parked_car_generator #PCJ600 color 0 17 1 alarm 0 door_lock 0 0 10000 at -3.5 -1.7 25.1 angle 0.0 014C: set_parked_car_generator $MR1 cars_to_generate_to 101 032B: $WP1 = create_weapon_pickup #AK47 group 15 ammo 3000 at 13.5 4.5 30.1 032B: $WP2 = create_weapon_pickup #JETPACK group 15 ammo 0 at 13.5 6.5 30.1 0213: $OP1 = create_pickup #BODYARMOUR type 15 at 13.5 8.5 30.1 0213: $OP2 = create_pickup #GUN_PARA type 15 at 13.5 10.5 30.1 0213: $OP3 = create_pickup #BRIBE type 15 at 13.5 12.5 30.1 004E: end_thread //-------------External script 0 (PLAYER_PARACHUTE)--------------- :PLCHUTE 03A4: name_thread 'PLCHUTE' 0247: load_model #GUN_PARA :PLCHUTE_16 00D6: if 8248: not model #GUN_PARA available 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_43 0001: wait 0 ms 0002: jump @PLCHUTE_16 :PLCHUTE_43 00D6: if 8118: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR dead 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_59 :PLCHUTE_59 0004: $1498 = 0 0004: $FREEFALL_STAGE = 0 0004: $PARACHUTE_CREATION_STAGE = 0 00D6: if 0038: $1498 == 999 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_118 0213: $PICKUP_PARACHUTE = create_pickup #GUN_PARA type 3 at $TEMPVAR_X_COORD $TEMPVAR_Y_COORD $TEMPVAR_Z_COORD :PLCHUTE_118 0001: wait 0 ms 00D6: if 8118: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR dead 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_5451 00D6: if 8800: not in_two_players_mode 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_5451 00D6: if 8038: not $FREEFALL_STAGE == 0 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_176 0992: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR weapons_scrollable 0 :PLCHUTE_176 00D6: if 0018: $PARACHUTE_CREATION_STAGE > 0 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_219 00D6: if 8491: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR has_weapon 46 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_219 0050: gosub @PLCHUTE_5516 :PLCHUTE_219 00D6: if 0038: $PARACHUTE_CREATION_STAGE == 0 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_273 00D6: if 0491: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR has_weapon 46 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_273 0247: load_model #PARACHUTE 0004: $PARACHUTE_CREATION_STAGE = 1 0004: $1498 = 0 :PLCHUTE_273 00D6: if 0038: $PARACHUTE_CREATION_STAGE == 1 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_374 00D6: if 0248: model #PARACHUTE available 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_374 0107: 17@ = create_object #PARACHUTE at $TEMPVAR_X_COORD $TEMPVAR_Y_COORD $TEMPVAR_Z_COORD 069B: attach_object 17@ to_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0 0750: set_object 17@ visibility 0 0004: $PARACHUTE_CREATION_STAGE = 2 :PLCHUTE_374 00D6: if and 0038: $PARACHUTE_CREATION_STAGE == 2 0038: $FREEFALL_STAGE == 1 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_406 0004: $PARACHUTE_CREATION_STAGE = 3 :PLCHUTE_406 00D6: if and 0038: $FREEFALL_STAGE == 0 0018: $PARACHUTE_CREATION_STAGE > 0 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_562 00D6: if 0818: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_air 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_562 083D: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ $1507 $1508 $1509 00D6: if 0022: -10.0 > $1509 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_562 0819: 7@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR distance_from_ground 00D6: if 0021: 7@ > 20.0 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_562 097A: play_audio_at -1000.0 -1000.0 -1000.0 event 1037 0004: $FREEFALL_STAGE = 1 01B9: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR armed_weapon_to 46 0006: 0@ = 0 0005: $8268 = 0.0 :PLCHUTE_562 00D6: if 0038: $FREEFALL_STAGE == 1 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_2383 00D6: if 0039: 0@ == 0 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_605 0006: 0@ = 2 :PLCHUTE_605 00D6: if 0039: 0@ == 2 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_726 062E: unknown_get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR task 2066 status_store_to 27@ // ret 7 if not found 00D6: if 04A4: 27@ == 7 // @ == any 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_726 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_SKYDIVE" IFP_file "PED" 1.0 loopA 1 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 0 time -1 // versionB 04ED: load_animation "PARACHUTE" 0006: 15@ = 1 0172: 1@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR Z_angle 0006: 0@ = 3 :PLCHUTE_726 00D6: if 0039: 0@ == 3 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_2383 062E: unknown_get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR task 2066 status_store_to 27@ // ret 7 if not found 00D6: if 04A4: 27@ == 7 // @ == any 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_812 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_SKYDIVE" IFP_file "PED" 1.0 loopA 1 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 0 time -1 // versionB :PLCHUTE_812 0819: 7@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR distance_from_ground 00D6: if and 0023: 100.0 > 7@ 0021: 7@ > 60.0 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_909 00D6: if 04EE: animation "PARACHUTE" loaded 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_909 00D6: if 0038: $ONMISSION == 0 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_909 00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT 'PARA_01' time 1000 flag 1 // ~s~Open your parachute! :PLCHUTE_909 0494: get_joystick 0 data_to 10@ 11@ 12@ 12@ 00D6: if 0038: $1511 == 1 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_957 0006: 10@ = 0 0006: 11@ = 0 :PLCHUTE_957 0093: 21@ = integer 10@ to_float 0017: 21@ /= 4.267 0063: 21@ -= 2@ // (float) 0017: 21@ /= 20.0 005B: 2@ += 21@ // (float) 0087: 21@ = 2@ // (float) 0017: 21@ /= 5.0 0063: 1@ -= 21@ // (float) 00D6: if 0021: 1@ > 180.0 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_1058 000F: 1@ -= 360.0 :PLCHUTE_1058 00D6: if 0023: -180.0 > 1@ 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_1089 000B: 1@ += 360.0 :PLCHUTE_1089 0093: 22@ = integer 11@ to_float 0017: 22@ /= 4.267 0063: 22@ -= 3@ // (float) 0017: 22@ /= 20.0 005B: 3@ += 22@ // (float) 083D: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 8@ 9@ $1509 00D6: if 0024: $1504 > $1509 // (float) 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_1174 0086: $1509 = $1504 // (float) :PLCHUTE_1174 00D6: if 0024: $8268 > $1509 // (float) 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_1201 0086: $8268 = $1509 // (float) :PLCHUTE_1201 00D6: if 0024: $1504 > $8268 // (float) 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_1228 0086: $8268 = $1504 // (float) :PLCHUTE_1228 00D6: if and 0024: $1509 > $8268 // (float) 8038: not $1902 == 1 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_1404 00D6: if 84AD: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_water 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_1358 00D6: if 0022: -20.0 > $8268 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_1305 0004: $FREEFALL_STAGE = 2 0002: jump @PLCHUTE_1351 :PLCHUTE_1305 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_SKYDIVE" IFP_file "PED" 1.0 loopA 1 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 0 time 100 // versionB 0004: $FREEFALL_STAGE = 7 :PLCHUTE_1351 0002: jump @PLCHUTE_1404 :PLCHUTE_1358 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_SKYDIVE" IFP_file "PED" 1.0 loopA 1 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 0 time 100 // versionB 0004: $FREEFALL_STAGE = 7 :PLCHUTE_1404 0087: 4@ = 3@ // (float) 0017: 4@ /= 30.0 006F: 4@ *= $1505 // (float) 02F6: $1507 = cosine 1@ // (float) 02F7: $1508 = sine 1@ // (float) 006D: $1507 *= 4@ // (float) 006D: $1508 *= 4@ // (float) 0011: $1508 *= -1.0 0059: $1508 += $1506 // (float) 0087: 21@ = 8@ // (float) 0065: 21@ -= $1507 // (float) 0013: 21@ *= 0.01 0088: $1507 = 8@ // (float) 0067: $1507 -= 21@ // (float) 0087: 21@ = 9@ // (float) 0065: 21@ -= $1508 // (float) 0013: 21@ *= 0.01 0088: $1508 = 9@ // (float) 0067: $1508 -= 21@ // (float) 0085: 12@ = 10@ // (int) 0085: 13@ = 11@ // (int) 0095: make 12@ absolute_integer 0095: make 13@ absolute_integer 00D6: if or 0019: 12@ > 40 0019: 13@ > 40 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_2106 00D6: if 001D: 12@ > 13@ // (int) 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_1869 00D6: if 0029: 10@ >= 0 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_1748 00D6: if 8039: not 15@ == 2 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_1748 00D6: if 04EE: animation "PARACHUTE" loaded 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_1741 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_SKYDIVE_R" IFP_file "PARACHUTE" 1.0 loopA 1 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 1 time -2 // versionB :PLCHUTE_1741 0006: 15@ = 2 :PLCHUTE_1748 00D6: if 001B: 0 > 10@ 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_1862 00D6: if 8039: not 15@ == 3 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_1862 00D6: if 04EE: animation "PARACHUTE" loaded 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_1855 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_SKYDIVE_L" IFP_file "PARACHUTE" 1.0 loopA 1 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 1 time -2 // versionB :PLCHUTE_1855 0006: 15@ = 3 :PLCHUTE_1862 0002: jump @PLCHUTE_2099 :PLCHUTE_1869 00D6: if 0029: 11@ >= 0 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_1981 00D6: if 8039: not 15@ == 4 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_1981 00D6: if 04EE: animation "PARACHUTE" loaded 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_1974 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_SKYDIVE" IFP_file "PARACHUTE" 1.0 loopA 1 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 1 time -2 // versionB :PLCHUTE_1974 0006: 15@ = 4 :PLCHUTE_1981 00D6: if 001B: 0 > 11@ 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_2099 00D6: if 8039: not 15@ == 5 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_2099 00D6: if 04EE: animation "PARACHUTE" loaded 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_2092 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_SKYDIVE_ACCEL" IFP_file "PARACHUTE" 1.0 loopA 1 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 1 time -2 // versionB :PLCHUTE_2092 0006: 15@ = 5 :PLCHUTE_2099 0002: jump @PLCHUTE_2200 :PLCHUTE_2106 00D6: if 8039: not 15@ == 1 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_2200 00D6: if 04EE: animation "PARACHUTE" loaded 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_2200 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_SKYDIVE" IFP_file "PARACHUTE" 1.0 loopA 1 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 1 time -2 // versionB 0006: 15@ = 1 :PLCHUTE_2200 00D6: if or 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 17 0038: $1512 == 1 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_2383 00D6: if 8038: not $1902 == 1 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_2383 00D6: if 04EE: animation "PARACHUTE" loaded 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_2383 00D6: if and 0038: $PARACHUTE_CREATION_STAGE == 3 0038: $1511 == 0 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_2383 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PARA_OPEN" IFP_file "PARACHUTE" 8.0 loopA 0 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 1 time -2 // versionB 097A: play_audio_at -1000.0 -1000.0 -1000.0 event 1038 008A: $8270 = 32@ // (int) 0008: $8270 += 1100 0004: $FREEFALL_STAGE = 3 0006: 0@ = 0 :PLCHUTE_2383 00D6: if 0038: $FREEFALL_STAGE == 2 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_2501 00D6: if 04EE: animation "PARACHUTE" loaded 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_2489 0173: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR Z_angle_to 1@ 0829: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_SKYDIVE_DIE" IFP_file "PARACHUTE" 1000.0 time 0 and_dies 09F1: play_audio_at_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR event 1189 0002: jump @PLCHUTE_2494 :PLCHUTE_2489 05BE: AS_kill_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR :PLCHUTE_2494 0050: gosub @PLCHUTE_5516 :PLCHUTE_2501 00D6: if 0038: $FREEFALL_STAGE == 3 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_4777 00D6: if 0018: $8270 > 0 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_2583 00D6: if 001F: 32@ > $8270 // (int) 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_2583 097A: play_audio_at -1000.0 -1000.0 -1000.0 event 1039 0004: $8270 = 0 :PLCHUTE_2583 00D6: if 0039: 0@ == 0 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_2686 0087: 25@ = 3@ // (float) 0017: 25@ /= 500.0 0087: 26@ = 2@ // (float) 0017: 26@ /= 500.0 0085: 18@ = 32@ // (int) 0085: 19@ = 32@ // (int) 0087: 5@ = 4@ // (float) 0013: 5@ *= -1.0 0089: 6@ = $1509 // (float) 0006: 0@ = 1 :PLCHUTE_2686 00D6: if 0039: 0@ == 1 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_2853 0085: 10@ = 32@ // (int) 0062: 10@ -= 19@ // (int) 00D6: if 001B: 500 > 10@ 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_2826 0085: 10@ = 32@ // (int) 0062: 10@ -= 18@ // (int) 0085: 18@ = 32@ // (int) 0093: 21@ = integer 10@ to_float 0087: 22@ = 25@ // (float) 006B: 22@ *= 21@ // (float) 0087: 23@ = 26@ // (float) 006B: 23@ *= 21@ // (float) 0063: 3@ -= 22@ // (float) 0063: 2@ -= 23@ // (float) 0002: jump @PLCHUTE_2853 :PLCHUTE_2826 0007: 2@ = 0.0 0007: 3@ = 0.0 0006: 0@ = 2 :PLCHUTE_2853 00D6: if 0039: 0@ == 2 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_2961 00D6: if 03CA: object 17@ exists 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_2961 0750: set_object 17@ visibility 1 08D2: object 17@ scale_model 0.0 0085: 19@ = 32@ // (int) 0001: wait 0 ms 075A: set_object 17@ animation "PARA_OPEN_O" IFP_file "PARACHUTE" 1000.0 lockF 0 loop 1 // IF AND SET 0006: 0@ = 3 :PLCHUTE_2961 00D6: if 0039: 0@ == 3 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_3064 0085: 10@ = 32@ // (int) 0062: 10@ -= 19@ // (int) 00D6: if 001B: 500 > 10@ 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_3047 0093: 21@ = integer 10@ to_float 0017: 21@ /= 500.0 08D2: object 17@ scale_model 21@ 0002: jump @PLCHUTE_3064 :PLCHUTE_3047 08D2: object 17@ scale_model 1.0 0006: 0@ = 4 :PLCHUTE_3064 00D6: if 0039: 0@ == 5 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_3132 0107: 20@ = create_object #PARA_COLLISION at 0.0 0.0 0.0 0750: set_object 20@ visibility 0 0392: make_object 20@ moveable 1 04D9: object 20@ set_scripted_collision_check 1 0006: 0@ = 6 :PLCHUTE_3132 00D6: if 0039: 0@ == 6 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_4350 0494: get_joystick 0 data_to 10@ 11@ 12@ 12@ 00D6: if 0038: $1511 == 1 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_3198 0006: 10@ = 0 0006: 11@ = 0 :PLCHUTE_3198 0093: 21@ = integer 10@ to_float 0017: 21@ /= 4.267 0063: 21@ -= 2@ // (float) 0017: 21@ /= 20.0 005B: 2@ += 21@ // (float) 0087: 21@ = 2@ // (float) 0017: 21@ /= 15.0 0063: 1@ -= 21@ // (float) 00D6: if 0021: 1@ > 180.0 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_3299 000F: 1@ -= 360.0 :PLCHUTE_3299 00D6: if 0023: -180.0 > 1@ 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_3330 000B: 1@ += 360.0 :PLCHUTE_3330 02F6: $1507 = cosine 1@ // (float) 02F7: $1508 = sine 1@ // (float) 0069: $1507 *= $1500 // (float) 0069: $1508 *= $1500 // (float) 0011: $1507 *= -1.0 0085: 12@ = 10@ // (int) 0085: 13@ = 11@ // (int) 0095: make 12@ absolute_integer 0095: make 13@ absolute_integer 00D6: if or 0019: 12@ > 40 0019: 13@ > 40 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_4062 00D6: if 001D: 12@ > 13@ // (int) 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_3737 0089: 21@ = $1501 // (float) 0065: 21@ -= $1509 // (float) 0017: 21@ /= 20.0 005F: $1509 += 21@ // (float) 00D6: if 0029: 10@ >= 0 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_3603 00D6: if 8039: not 15@ == 2 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_3603 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PARA_STEERR" IFP_file "PARACHUTE" 1.0 loopA 1 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 1 time -2 // versionB 075A: set_object 17@ animation "PARA_STEERR_O" IFP_file "PARACHUTE" 1.0 lockF 1 loop 1 // IF AND SET 0006: 15@ = 2 :PLCHUTE_3603 00D6: if 001B: 0 > 10@ 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_3730 00D6: if 8039: not 15@ == 3 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_3730 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PARA_STEERL" IFP_file "PARACHUTE" 1.0 loopA 1 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 1 time -2 // versionB 075A: set_object 17@ animation "PARA_STEERL_O" IFP_file "PARACHUTE" 1.0 lockF 1 loop 1 // IF AND SET 0006: 15@ = 3 :PLCHUTE_3730 0002: jump @PLCHUTE_4055 :PLCHUTE_3737 00D6: if 0029: 11@ >= 0 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_3896 0089: 21@ = $1503 // (float) 0065: 21@ -= $1509 // (float) 0017: 21@ /= 20.0 005F: $1509 += 21@ // (float) 00D6: if 8039: not 15@ == 4 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_3896 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PARA_DECEL" IFP_file "PARACHUTE" 1.0 loopA 1 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 1 time -2 // versionB 075A: set_object 17@ animation "PARA_DECEL_O" IFP_file "PARACHUTE" 1.0 lockF 1 loop 1 // IF AND SET 0006: 15@ = 4 :PLCHUTE_3896 00D6: if 001B: 0 > 11@ 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_4055 0089: 21@ = $1501 // (float) 0065: 21@ -= $1509 // (float) 0017: 21@ /= 20.0 005F: $1509 += 21@ // (float) 00D6: if 8039: not 15@ == 5 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_4055 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PARA_FLOAT" IFP_file "PARACHUTE" 1.0 loopA 1 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 1 time -2 // versionB 075A: set_object 17@ animation "PARA_FLOAT_O" IFP_file "PARACHUTE" 1.0 lockF 1 loop 1 // IF AND SET 0006: 15@ = 5 :PLCHUTE_4055 0002: jump @PLCHUTE_4221 :PLCHUTE_4062 0089: 21@ = $1501 // (float) 0065: 21@ -= $1509 // (float) 0017: 21@ /= 20.0 005F: $1509 += 21@ // (float) 00D6: if 8039: not 15@ == 5 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_4221 00D6: if 8039: not 15@ == 1 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_4221 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PARA_FLOAT" IFP_file "PARACHUTE" 1.0 loopA 1 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 1 time -2 // versionB 075A: set_object 17@ animation "PARA_FLOAT_O" IFP_file "PARACHUTE" 1.0 lockF 1 loop 1 // IF AND SET 0006: 15@ = 1 :PLCHUTE_4221 01BB: store_object 17@ position_to $TEMPVAR_FLOAT_1 $TEMPVAR_FLOAT_2 $TEMPVAR_FLOAT_3 0815: put_object 20@ at $TEMPVAR_FLOAT_1 $TEMPVAR_FLOAT_2 $TEMPVAR_FLOAT_3 and_keep_rotation 00D6: if 04DA: has_object 20@ collided 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_4314 075A: set_object 17@ animation "PARA_RIP_LOOP_O" IFP_file "PARACHUTE" 8.0 lockF 1 loop 1 // IF AND SET 0006: 0@ = 7 :PLCHUTE_4314 00D6: if 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 15 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_4350 0792: disembark_instantly_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 0004: $FREEFALL_STAGE = 6 0004: $1498 = 3 :PLCHUTE_4350 00D6: if 03CA: object 17@ exists 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_4589 00D6: if 0837: object 17@ animation == "PARA_OPEN_O" 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_4589 0839: get_object 17@ animation "PARA_OPEN_O" progress_to 21@ 0087: 22@ = 6@ // (float) 0065: 22@ -= $1501 // (float) 0087: 23@ = 22@ // (float) 006B: 23@ *= 21@ // (float) 0088: $1509 = 6@ // (float) 0067: $1509 -= 23@ // (float) 0087: 22@ = 5@ // (float) 0065: 22@ -= $1500 // (float) 0087: 23@ = 22@ // (float) 006B: 23@ *= 21@ // (float) 0087: 4@ = 5@ // (float) 0063: 4@ -= 23@ // (float) 02F6: $1507 = cosine 1@ // (float) 02F7: $1508 = sine 1@ // (float) 006D: $1507 *= 4@ // (float) 006D: $1508 *= 4@ // (float) 0011: $1507 *= -1.0 00D6: if and 0043: 21@ == 1.0 0039: 0@ == 4 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_4589 0006: 0@ = 5 :PLCHUTE_4589 00D6: if 8118: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR dead 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_4777 00D6: if 04AD: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_water 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_4728 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PARA_LAND_WATER" IFP_file "PARACHUTE" 8.0 loopA 1 lockX 1 lockY 0 lockF 0 time 1000 // versionB 075A: set_object 17@ animation "PARA_LAND_WATER_O" IFP_file "PARACHUTE" 1000.0 lockF 0 loop 1 // IF AND SET 0004: $FREEFALL_STAGE = 5 0006: 0@ = 0 :PLCHUTE_4728 083D: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 21@ 21@ 23@ 00D6: if 0021: 23@ > -0.1 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_4777 0004: $FREEFALL_STAGE = 4 0006: 0@ = 0 :PLCHUTE_4777 00D6: if 0038: $FREEFALL_STAGE == 4 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_5267 00D6: if 0039: 0@ == 0 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_5164 0004: $1498 = 1 00A0: store_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR position_to $TEMPVAR_X_COORD $TEMPVAR_Y_COORD $TEMPVAR_Z_COORD 000D: $TEMPVAR_Z_COORD -= 1.0 00A1: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR at $TEMPVAR_X_COORD $TEMPVAR_Y_COORD $TEMPVAR_Z_COORD 083E: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR rotation 0.0 0.0 1@ while_in_air 00D6: if 0022: -10.0 > $1509 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_4918 0004: $FREEFALL_STAGE = 2 0006: 0@ = 0 0002: jump @PLCHUTE_5088 :PLCHUTE_4918 00D6: if 0022: -4.0 > $1509 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_5043 0615: define_AS_pack_begin 14@ 0812: AS_actor -1 perform_animation "FALL_FRONT" IFP_file "PED" 20.0 loopA 0 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 1 time 700 // versionB 0812: AS_actor -1 perform_animation "GETUP_FRONT" IFP_file "PED" 8.0 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 0 lockF 0 time -2 // versionB 0616: define_AS_pack_end 14@ 0618: assign_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR to_AS_pack 14@ 061B: remove_references_to_AS_pack 14@ 0002: jump @PLCHUTE_5081 :PLCHUTE_5043 0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RUN_PLAYER" IFP_file "PED" 8.0 loopA 1 lockX 1 lockY 0 lockF 0 time 1000 // versionB :PLCHUTE_5081 0006: 0@ = 1 :PLCHUTE_5088 075A: set_object 17@ animation "PARA_LAND_O" IFP_file "PARACHUTE" 1000.0 lockF 0 loop 1 // IF AND SET 0682: detach_object 17@ 0.0 0.0 0.0 collision_detection 0 0085: 18@ = 32@ // (int) 000A: 18@ += 1000 :PLCHUTE_5164 00D6: if 0039: 0@ == 1 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_5267 00D6: if 0837: object 17@ animation == "PARA_LAND_O" 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_5267 0839: get_object 17@ animation "PARA_LAND_O" progress_to 21@ 00D6: if 0043: 21@ == 1.0 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_5267 0004: $1498 = 2 0050: gosub @PLCHUTE_5516 :PLCHUTE_5267 00D6: if 0038: $FREEFALL_STAGE == 5 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_5324 0004: $1498 = 1 00D6: if 0039: 0@ == 0 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_5324 0004: $1498 = 2 0050: gosub @PLCHUTE_5516 :PLCHUTE_5324 00D6: if and 0018: $FREEFALL_STAGE > 0 001A: 4 > $FREEFALL_STAGE 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_5401 00D6: if 8118: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR dead 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_5401 083C: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ $1507 $1508 $1509 0173: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR Z_angle_to 1@ 083E: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR rotation 3@ 2@ 1@ while_in_air :PLCHUTE_5401 00D6: if 0038: $FREEFALL_STAGE == 6 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_5426 0050: gosub @PLCHUTE_5516 :PLCHUTE_5426 00D6: if 0038: $FREEFALL_STAGE == 7 004D: jump_if_false @PLCHUTE_5451 0050: gosub @PLCHUTE_5458 :PLCHUTE_5451 0002: jump @PLCHUTE_118 :PLCHUTE_5458 0004: $FREEFALL_STAGE = 0 0006: 0@ = 0 0249: release_model #PARACHUTE 04EF: release_animation "PARACHUTE" 083E: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR rotation 0.0 0.0 1@ while_in_air 0992: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR weapons_scrollable 1 0051: return :PLCHUTE_5516 0682: detach_object 17@ 0.0 0.0 0.0 collision_detection 0 09A2: destroy_object_with_fade 17@ 0108: destroy_object 20@ 0555: remove_weapon 46 from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 0004: $FREEFALL_STAGE = 0 0004: $PARACHUTE_CREATION_STAGE = 0 0006: 0@ = 0 0249: release_model #PARACHUTE 04EF: release_animation "PARACHUTE" 0249: release_model #GUN_PARA 083E: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR rotation 0.0 0.0 1@ while_in_air 0992: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR weapons_scrollable 1 004E: end_thread Reageren
Donald F. Duck Geplaatst: 28 mei 2010 Auteur Rapport Geplaatst: 28 mei 2010 (bewerkt) Dat lijkt me wel een handig script, ik zal het proberen en dan dadelijk zeggen of het iets is geworden. Edit: Perfect, de parachute doet het Bewerkt: 28 mei 2010 door Donald F. Duck Reageren
Revolution-Designer Geplaatst: 29 mei 2010 Rapport Geplaatst: 29 mei 2010 @RD: echt een super advies, ga maar naar een ander forum. Dat was sarcastisch bedoelt hoop ik... Reageren
Dutchy3010 Geplaatst: 29 mei 2010 Rapport Geplaatst: 29 mei 2010 @RD: echt een super advies, ga maar naar een ander forum. Dat was sarcastisch bedoelt hoop ik... Dat was inderdaad sarcastisch. Wilde er juist mee zeggen dat het helemaal geen zin heeft om te reageren "ik weet het niet, ik zou het op gtaforums vragen". Toevallig zitten hier wel degelijk leden die bezig zijn geweest met external scripts. Reageren
Revolution-Designer Geplaatst: 29 mei 2010 Rapport Geplaatst: 29 mei 2010 @RD: echt een super advies, ga maar naar een ander forum. Dat was sarcastisch bedoelt hoop ik... Dat was inderdaad sarcastisch. Wilde er juist mee zeggen dat het helemaal geen zin heeft om te reageren "ik weet het niet, ik zou het op gtaforums vragen". Toevallig zitten hier wel degelijk leden die bezig zijn geweest met external scripts. Oke, mijn excuses daarvoor. Ik had helemaal geen idee dat hier mensen daarmee bezig zijn, op jou na dan. Reageren
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