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Hoe zal de voicemail van Niko, Luis en Johnny klinken?

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Geplaatst: (bewerkt)

niko: hello...roman how works this fucking phone....call my later

maar dan wel bij de eerste telefoon, bij de nieuwe weet ik niks bij

johny: don't call my, i'm kill some angels of death

luis: (muziek op de achtergrond) this is luis lopez, I'm busy call my tomorow

Bewerkt: door benhelsloot

Even om te mierenneuken: Het is call me. Not my.

Zo praat Niko... net zoals hij 'goink' ipv going zegt etc.

Ik vraag me eigenlijk af waar dit topic voor dient :cab:


Niko: This is niko. Call me back later. BOOOEEMM!!!..... Fuck!

Johnny: Hey its not the time right now. Brothers for life, Lost forever..

Luis: Eyo its meyo, Im busy here (aah aah yeah).


Even om te mierenneuken: Het is call me. Not my.

Zo praat Niko... net zoals hij 'goink' ipv going zegt etc.

Ik vraag me eigenlijk af waar dit topic voor dient icon_cab.gif

nee niet niko

ik wou snel even wat intypen en engels is niet mijn sterkste vak :puh:


Niko: Roman how does this fucking phone work *pistoolschot*.

Johnny: This is Johnny, I'm sorry I can't pick up right BILLY SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Luis: Yo bro, this is Luis. Call me later ladies *muziek op achtergrond*.

Johnny: This is Johnny, I'm sorry I can't pick up right BILLY SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Niko|Gemurmel: *Back in the old country we did not have cellular phones.* Hardop: "Woman, what do you mean, leave a message for people that will call you? I can answer my phone myself! Look, I have a green butt.." PIEP!

Johnny|"You no my number, so don't leave a message. Call again and maybe I want to talk to you then. Or not."

Luis|"Hi, this is Luis (...) No.. (...) Yes.. (...) Hmmm.. (...) HA! Gotcha'! Leave a message after the girl having an orgasm."[/table]


niko: Roman, I do not have to time bowl right now, leave me alone.

johnny: Brothers for life, lost my cellphone.

luis: sorry to disapoint you, was a one time only.


Niko: Hello, this is niko (how does this thing work?) Call me back later or leave a message.

Johnny: I probably dont know who the fuck you are or how you've got my number. so call me back.

Luis: Oye Mando, if it is about Masionette 9, i cannot talk, if it is something else, call me back oke?

Geplaatst: (bewerkt)

Niko: He, This is Nico *pistoolschoten* SHIT, Cops! *weer tegen de telefoon* Call me later!

Bewerkt: door viccard

Niko: He, This is Nico *pistoolschoten* SHIT, Cops! *weer tegen de telefoon* Call me later!

Niko: I'm visiting my mom right now, so call me back later.

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