Fireman Geplaatst: 31 mei 2012 Rapport Geplaatst: 31 mei 2012 (bewerkt) Carmageddon: ReinCARnation Ontwikkelaar: Stainless Games Uitgever: Stainless Games Genre: Peds-for-points Platforms: PC, Linux, Mac, PSN, XBLA Aantal spelers: Onbekend Release: Feb 2013 Demo: Voor beta access --> Pledge $25+ Website: Kickstarter: Hier. Pre-alpha video van Carmageddon: Reincarnation. Het is de hernieuwde versie van Bleak City. Zoals gezien op Kickstarter. We're working our way around the original "Blood on the Rooftops" track, as a test-bed for prototyping and developing the game. It involves designing and building the level geometry, working out the ped tech, testing handling, collision shape mods, physics stuff, PUp ideas, etc. etc... Basically, this prototyping process enables us to write the WHOLE GAME, and have fun while we do it! It’s the same way that we developed the original game – as a constantly evolving prototype (based on a solid, written core design, of course!). The approach is: Get something up and playable as early as possible, then try stuff out!This level teaser is intended only as a first impression of progress on the level construction for Carmageddon: Reincarnation. The vehicle, pedestrians their AI and their animations, plus the special effects, are ALL placeholder. The pedestrians in the clips we’ve edited together here were set up to be EXTRA easy to dismember (It’s a simple script editing job to set how well a ped holds together in an impact, again something that’ll be fun to MOD) because we thought it would be fun to spray plenty of blood about. The level/game has NO optimisation of any kind yet, so EVERYTHING is being processed at ALL times - all the geometry, and around 1000 peds (hence the choppy framerate!). The level is in early/mid stage of construction, and so textures and detailing is missing, even from the more "finished" looking sections. And it goes without saying, In other words, IT'S EARLY DAYS! More videos of development progress will be available to our Kickstarter VIPs in the dedicated area of the forums at, once the campaign ends and the game development continues apace. We hope you enjoy the little peek into progress. Over the coming weeks and months we look forward to sharing news and views of the progress with you, and hearing your comments and thoughts about it. THANKS AGAIN for all your SUPPORT and BACKING, Kickstarter CarmaFans! Voor de mensen die Carmageddon niet kennen, moeten een paar lessen game geschiedenis volgen. Carmageddon was een van de eerste 3D sandbox games, waarbij je met je kar over voetgangers heen moest rijden voor punten en alle andere deelnemers kapot moest beuken. (al kon je ook racen, maar dat is saai). Het is onder andere een inspiratie geweest voor GTA. Sinds vorig jaar ongeveer heeft Stainless games (de makers van Carmageddon I en II, de goede Carmageddons) aangekondigd dat er eindelijk een opvolger komt, genaamd: "Carmageddon: ReinCARnation". Nu, ongeveer een jaar verder hebben ze besloten om het te funden door gebruik te maken van kickstarter, om zo niet geripd te worden door publishers (zoals na Carmageddon II, toen het project aan een andere studio werd gegeven). Zie de Kickstarter pagina voor meer info. Of dit filmpje: Voor $25,- krijg je de klassieke Carmageddon van (die werkt op nieuwere systemen) en beta access EN Carmageddon: Reincarnation download op steam, wanneer het spel af is. Voor meer info over de game zelf, check de officiële site. De release date staat op het moment voor Februari 2013. Op het moment hebben ze #543,000 opgehaald (het doel was $400,000). Bewerkt: 5 juni 2012 door Fireman Reageren
Fireman Geplaatst: 5 juni 2012 Auteur Rapport Geplaatst: 5 juni 2012 En om jullie een impressie te geven van hoe Carmageddon er uit zag, hier wat filmpjes: Carmageddon 1: Carmageddon 2 (mijn filmpje, gratis reclame!):\ Zoals je ziet, is het fucking awesome. Reageren
Fireman Geplaatst: 9 juli 2012 Auteur Rapport Geplaatst: 9 juli 2012 (bewerkt) Vanaf gisteren kunnen ook Nederlanders geld "donaten" via PayPal: $20 PayPal Donation MEMBER (THROBBING) & DRM THIS! You'll get the released game, to download from Steam. You'll receive sexy exclusive wallpaper in a range of resolutions to suit all your digital devices. Finally, you'll be credited in the game as a Carmageddon Backer! As well as the Steam version, you will be offered a DRM-free, caffeine free, gluten free, born free non-Steam version of the PC game to download. This version will have no Steamworks functionality and will support single player and LAN multiplayer only. This is only currently offered for the PC platform and will not be available until completion. (Mac and Linux versions are planned, but still TBC.) Please note that the delivery date is an estimate and is subject to change. Estimated Delivery: Feb 2013 (DRM-free version - Dec 2013) $35 PayPal Donation DOUBLE WHAMMY A total of 2 digital download codes for Carmageddon: Reincarnation. Now you can bring a friend to play! And remember, these come with beta access too! +Previous PayPal Donation tiers Estimated Delivery: Feb 2013 $75 PayPal Donation SHIRT HAPPENS & POSTCARDS A NEW physical reward! Show your loyalty to the cause with one of our new Carmageddon: Reincarnation logo t-shirts. You can choose from a selection of colours and have it large, very large, medium etc., in a male or female style. Plus a set of 4 Carmageddon: Reincarnation art cards. Retro communication devices for use in tomorrow's world! +Previous PayPal Donation tiers Estimated Delivery: Feb 2013 $100 PayPal Donation 4-WAY ACTION A total of 4 digital copies of the game so that you can share with your friends (friends not included). As a special treat, we'll include a copy of the exclusive "Cardmageddon" card game for you to play together. Yes, that's right, a real physical THING! +Previous PayPal Donation tiers below $100 Estimated Delivery: Feb 2013 $150 PayPal Donation KICK IN THE BOX The GAME. On a DVD. In a BOX! We’ve done the math and it will only slightly bankrupt us. We’re adding the boxed game with the manual and game on a printed DVD in as a $150 level Reward. +Previous PayPal Donation tiers below $150 Estimated Delivery: Feb 2013 $500 PayPal Donation I WAS IN THE WAR! (88 remaining) I WAS IN THE WAR!: Poster of an exclusive, special edition promo image personally signed by key team members. Also, you'll receive a custom "Splatted Granny" collectable model, hand splatted and painted by a member of the team using their actual human fingers and stuff. No two are alike! A handmade THING! +Previous PayPal Donation tiers Estimated Delivery: Feb 2013 $750 PayPal Donation PIMP MY THING (17 remaining) Help the design team to come up with an idea for a cosmetic add-on for the cars in the game. We'll implement it and you'll get a special entry in the credits. These will be available for people to customize their cars in the game, so your handiwork will be seen by millions! A not-real ethereal THING! +Previous PayPal Donation tiers Estimated Delivery: Feb 2013 $1000 PayPal Donation FATAL IMMORTALITY You can be a Pedestrian in the game! Or choose somebody you don't like (but we will need their permission, unfortunately - damn you Western legal system!) We’ll map your or their face onto one of our in-game victims (you'll get a choice of what style of ped you'd like to be - or you want your mother-in-law to be), so you can chase yourself and other Backers and their nemesiseseseseses down in the game. We'll even throw in an exclusive Carmageddon First Aid kit. You'll need it! Yes, a physical THING to go with the abstract reward of digital immortality (or more accurately, repeated DEATH). +Previous PayPal Donation tiers below $750 Estimated Delivery: Feb 2013 $2500 PayPal Donation INFAMY! You can feature on in-game holo-ad stands and billboards as a celebrity (select from a variety of templates: "Face of the Year", "Rear of the year", "Most Wanted", "Least Wanted", "Have you seen this man?", "Vote !" etc.) Plus, you'll be credited in the game end credits. A total of 10 digital copies of the game to share with your friends, so that they can share in your magnificence whilst driving a car into your grinning face at 250mph. +Previous PayPal Donation tiers below $750 Estimated Delivery: Feb 2013 $7500 PayPal Donation YOU'LL NEVER LEAVE (15 remaining) An invitation to the Carmageddon: Reincarnation Backers Party! We'll fly you from a nearby major international airport to the UK. You will be collected by the 600hp Carmageddon Range Rover. Once here, you'll get a VIP tour of the studio, chat with the team, and then go to the pub with team members and meet some fellow Backers and DRINK until you bleed. We will then stagger into a curry house and be ejected by the management and banned for life. Includes flight, all UK travel and 3 nights in a local hotel. Reward is subject to attendees obtaining any necessary Visas etc. Attendees can bring a guest, but must cover the additional travel & hotel costs themselves. +Previous PayPal Donation tier below $750, plus you can choose between FATAL IMMORTALITY and INFAMY. Bewerkt: 9 juli 2012 door Fireman Reageren
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