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GTA V loopt steeds vast


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Sinds gister avond kon ik niet meer op Gta 5 komen omdat hij bij het laden al vastliep, ik heb hem al overnieuw gedownload met Disc 1 maar dan loopt hij nog steeds vast wat moet ik doen om weer op GTA V te komen?

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Ik heb heel even gezocht op het internet. Misschien helpt dit je wel. Ik heb een klein stukje eruit gequoted, maar hier heb je het volledige artikel.

If you’re on Xbox 360:

Warning: this method is not guaranteed to work. If you are uncomfortable doing any of the following to your system, resort to contacting Microsoft for assistance. Here is Microsoft’s support center for the Xbox 360 and Xbox One systems.

Xbox Support have posted a recommended fix if you are having console related freezing/crashing issues. They recommend doing the following (excluding the first point–I’ve added this point for your protection, if you want to keep up with your game save):

  • Make sure your game save data is being backed up in Xbox Live’s Cloud for game saves. If you do not have/use this service, make sure you back up your game save on a USB flash drive (the USB flash drive, as per Xbox 360 conditions, MUST BE be between 1 and 16 GB in size, must be formatted for Fat32, and the flash drive must be empty).
  • Delete all GTA 5 game data
  • Clear system cache 3 times (press Y when you have selected the storage device to do so)
  • Delete Marketplace data from storage system items
  • Unplug Xbox 360 for three minutes
  • Install GTA 5 Disc 1
  • Power off
  • Turn system back on, then restart
  • Install GTA 5 Disc 2

Bewerkt: door Asphyxiated
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Ik heb heel even gezocht op het internet. Misschien helpt dit je wel. Ik heb een klein stukje eruit gequoted, maar hier heb je het volledige artikel.

If you’re on Xbox 360:

Warning: this method is not guaranteed to work. If you are uncomfortable doing any of the following to your system, resort to contacting Microsoft for assistance. Here is Microsoft’s support center for the Xbox 360 and Xbox One systems.

Xbox Support have posted a recommended fix if you are having console related freezing/crashing issues. They recommend doing the following (excluding the first point–I’ve added this point for your protection, if you want to keep up with your game save):

  • Make sure your game save data is being backed up in Xbox Live’s Cloud for game saves. If you do not have/use this service, make sure you back up your game save on a USB flash drive (the USB flash drive, as per Xbox 360 conditions, MUST BE be between 1 and 16 GB in size, must be formatted for Fat32, and the flash drive must be empty).
  • Delete all GTA 5 game data
  • Clear system cache 3 times (press Y when you have selected the storage device to do so)
  • Delete Marketplace data from storage system items
  • Unplug Xbox 360 for three minutes
  • Install GTA 5 Disc 1
  • Power off
  • Turn system back on, then restart
  • Install GTA 5 Disc 2

Ik snap het niet echt helemaal..

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