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  • 2 weken later...

SA-MP's first release :: Posted by kyeman on 15 May 2006

It has now been close to a week since our first SA-MP release. The total player count grew steadily throughout the week and peaked on Sunday with close to 1500 concurrent players. This would make SA-MP 0.1 one of the most successful GTA multiplayer mods ever developed. Thanks to all players for their keen support.

We are aware of several issues with our first release and are currently compiling lists of which to address first in our bugfix releases.

Some known problems:

> Several problems in the server browser are known.

> Car-jacking can sometimes go wrong and leave two people in control.

> There is a crash for some people while entering a car mod-shop.

> There are several other (seemingly random) crashes.

> There are cheaters on some of the bigger servers.

> People are able to team-kill.

Details of SA-MP's LAN mode (server)

Inorder for SA-MP to support 100 players over the internet, we must make many optimisations to the bandwidth usage to ensure the total bandwidth usage is acceptable for all players and server hosters. In internet mode (non-LAN) SA-MP scales the bandwidth usage dependant on the number of players.

Unfortunately, these optimisations may introduce artifacts that look like lag, desync, poor netcode, shot inaccuracy etc. This is not the case.

If you're only hosting a server that has less than 16 players, say, for a clanmatch or something, it is safe to use LAN mode over the internet. You can set: lanmode 1 in the server.cfg and both the SA-MP server and client will not apply all the bandwidth optimisations.

The result of LAN mode is near single player smoothness in the sync, and you can test this for yourself.

Please do note that LAN mode servers will not report to the master server, thus will not show up in the Internet server list in the browser.

In the next post I'll detail some fixes that will be in 0.1b.

Bron: SA:MP Blog

Dus een kwestie van LANmode gebruiken als je een kleine server draait :)

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Fijn, ik vond het echt zo irritant dat er ook servers tussenstonden die niet aanstaan, dan is het irritanter om een server op te zoeken, gelukkig is dat nu gefixed, ik ergerde me er echt aan

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ik kan niet een server joinen hij zegt dat ik een verkeerde versie heb wat is dat voor >>> Door BS: Stout!<<<

Tut tut tut meneertje. Schelden is niet echt geaccepteerd hier. Maar je moet SA:MP 0.1b hebben (Klik hier). Veel plezier.

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  • 2 weken later...

SA-MP werkt weer niet, als ik het opstart krijg ik een foutmelding met "Access violation code 133306" nog wat ofzo...

Ik kan geen screen maken want als het gebeurt crasht mn hele PC.

SA-MP en GTA SA opnieuw installeren heb ik ook al geprobeerd, geen effect.


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