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SA-MP 0.2 Public Beta :: Posted by Cam on 08 Apr 2007

In case you have not noticed, we are now hosting a SA-MP 0.2 public beta test!

Click here to start playing!

Note: This is a beta version so problems are to be expected. Please report all crashes and bugs that you come across on our forum.

De 0.2 public beta is nu uit, neem een kijkje zou ik zeggen(als je er tenmiste nog in komt)

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Update on 0.2 progress :: Posted by kyeman on 13 May 2007

Last week we had the second public beta test of 0.2. The new limits for SA:MP 0.2 is intended to be 200 maximum players and 700 maximum static vehicles.

During the last public beta, we managed to get 174 players into the server at one time. Although the game itself was stable, we had some issues related to local framerates and bandwidth usage. We are currently working on these problems.

Some of you would have noticed also that your characters walking and running animations will now change depending on what type of character you select.

There is no official release date for SA:MP 0.2. There will be at least 2 more public betas before the final release.

Here is a screenshot captured at the pirate ship in Las Venturas during the last public beta.


Thanks to [MOB]intox for the screenshot. :)

Bron: Sa-mp.com
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kan gta sa-mp ook spelen met versie 2.00

Nee, dit kan niet. Je hebt gewoon echt versie 1 nodig. Je moet nu niet denken van 'shit', ik heb laatst V2 gekocht. Je kan die V2 ook gewoon downgraden naar V1, zo dat je alsnog SA-MP kan spelen.

Om V1 te krijgen moet je ten eerste deze patch installeren. Als je dat gedaan hebt kun je gaan modden. Om bepaalde redenen is deze optie er in V2 gedeeltelijk weer uitgehaald. Je hebt nu voor een gedeelte V1, je hebt nog iets nodig om SA-MP te kunnen spelen.

Het tweede wat je nodig hebt zijn de 'main.scm' en de 'script.img' van V1. Deze heb ik voor je in mijn bijlagen gedaan, waar je ze zo uit kan downloaden. Als je ze éénmaal gedownload hebt moet je hem eerst even uitpakken. De twee bestanden, dus de 'main.scm' en de 'script.img', moet je plaatsen in de volgende map: '.../Program Files/Rockstar Games/GTA San Andreas/Data/Script.' Er wordt gevraagd of je de huidige bestanden wilt overschrijden. Doe dat. Maak wel back-up's van je huidige bestanden!

V1 Files:

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Minor update :: Posted by Y_Less on 26 May 2007

While we are working towards a release, fixing bugs and trying to finalise the important parts of the mod we are still actively developing more minor parts. These aren't huge things which will really revolutionise the mod as a whole but may make a large difference, especially to the quality of modes, and are not release dependent, if they're not done when the rest is ready they won't go in, so you don't need to worry about that. Most of these "minor features" are small additions to PAWN which will hopefully make big changes to modes:

Gang zones:

The radar zones from single player are now fully configurable in PAWN, including position, colour and flashing for attacks. They are also, of course, fully per-player configurable, so you can see your zones one colour while everyone see them another.

Text draw:

Anyone familiar with GTA modding may have heard of this system. It's the text system used to display a large amount of text in the original game and is VERY flexible, allowing you to alter a wide range of text attributes: screen position, letter size, colour, background box size and colour, shadow size and colour, outlines, alignment, text style and spacing - all made available to script developers. As well as this you can have up to 96 entirely different sets of text AT ONCE, I'm sure the coders amongst you are going to enjoy this feature.


Menus - Although most of you will know of these already from the partyserver tests they are being officially announced.

Callbacks - These have been added to allowing you much greater knowledge of what's going on, there are now 32 callbacks, although you will find out what they are when the incs are released.

Wanted level - You can now set someone's wanted level to appear properly on their screen.

Desyncs - Mode creators can now desync any weapon they want for added anti-cheat (though hopefully it won't be needed :)).

Chat - You have also probably noticed the reduced chat in the partyserver tests, this is an option. We have also added a chat message PAWN function so you can send proper messages for use with chat scripts and the like.

Common functions - A few functions written in PAWN have been converted over, such as getting vehicle models and player skins.

General function - We currently have exactly 200 custom functions and this will probably continue to be increased almost up to the moment of release.

Not a major update but we are working towards a release and still fixing bugs and problems so there's not really a lot to report.


Gang Zones

Bron: Sa-mp.com
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0.2.1 R2 Server Released :: Posted by kyeman on 25 Jul 2007

The following SA-MP update is for running SA-MP servers only. You do not need to update the 0.2.1 client.

SA-MP 0.2.1 R2 Server

Due to the recent flood bot attacks we are rereleasing the 0.2.1 server as 0.2.1 R2 with several security fixes. This will prevent anonymous bots from being able to connect to your server. Please update to this new server version that can be found on the Download Page.

The server will now log any attempts by anonymous bots to join your server, and will report the real IP address of the bots to your server's log file.

SA-MP Anti-cheat (SAC)

Since the release of 0.2, we have been beta testing a new autoupdating anti-cheat system in SA-MP. We are happy to say that this anti-cheat is now out of beta, and you can enable it on your SA-MP server using the following directive:

anticheat 1

Bron: Sa-mp.com
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Die AntiCheat, houd die mods tegen? bv mensen die andere skins, auto's of wapens hebben.
Nee, mods werden al tegengehouden op een andere manier, het zijn immers geen cheats ;). Bewerkt: door Azer
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  • 2 weken later...

Short update on 0.2.2 progress :: Posted by kyeman on 05 Aug 2007

SA-MP 0.2.2 isn't far off. It will mainly be another bug fix release with some minor features added. Here's a list of some features and improvements:
  • * Player head movement sync added. Player's characters will look in the direction their camera is looking.
    * A new cellphone action enables players to hold a cellphone and look like they're on a call (useful for pen1 based scripts).
    * New usable skins; Tenpenny, Pulaski, Hern, Ryder, Smoke, Sweet, Mafia Boss.
    * Bandwidth and ped sync improvements. 0.2.2 will consume less server bandwidth than 0.2.1.
    * Fixed bug with setting player colors of players 100,101,102.
    * Increased timeouts to prevent connection loss.
    * Decreased CPU time required to process vehicles on the client.
    * Fixed animation problem with fire hydrant and spray can.
    * Fixed nametags with no player issue.
    * Fixed an issue where the client wasn't displaying "You are banned", "Server is full." messages.

There will still be more fixes added before release. Check out these screenshots which show the synced head movements and the cellphone action.

b022_1t.jpg b022_2t.jpg

Bron: Sa-mp.com
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