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gta 88

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High Noon

in die missie zie dat die Pulaski

die agent dood wild hebben ik kan niet zo goed engels kan iemand dit vertalen

Make sure you have a sniper rifle before starting this mission. An LSPD car pulls over, with Tenpenny, Pulaski and Hernandez inside. Pulaski, who seems surprisingly cheerful today, collects the evidence dossier. Carl asks if everything is cool now, when suddenly, Tenpenny pulls a spade from the hood of the car and whacks Hernandez. It is now known that Hernandez tried to expose Tenpenny and Pulaski, but somehow Tenpenny found out. "YOU SOLD US OUT", he screams. The C.R.A.S.H team are now clearly corrupt, and their use for Carl seems to be at an end. Tenpenny hands the spade over to CJ, and tells him to dig his own grave. Pulaski is told to take care of things, whilst Tenpenny leaves to "get drunk and get laid". He takes the dossier with him. Whilst digging, Carl tries to persuade Pulaski that Tenpenny is just using him. Pulaski points a gun towards CJ's head. The shooting is interupted when Hernandez climbs to his feet and makes one last attempt to cap his corrupt partner. Pulaski finishes him off and knocks him into his own grave, but Hernandez' gun has falls into CJ's hands..

Pulaski (a coward) runs for his car and attempts an escape. Here's the message you have been waiting to see for a long time - Kill Pulaski! Quickly use the sniper rifle to puncture 2 of Pulaski's tires, and get inside the bandito. Give chase, and watch as Pulaski makes hopeless attempts to control his vehicle. Don't attack his car just yet. Pulaski says that he has wanted to kill you for a long time, but Tenpenny always finds an excuse to keep you alive. Wait until he stops talking, then pull alongside and perform a drive-by until the vehicle catches fire. Don't let him get too far away, or he will escape. Pulaski jumps out of the burning vehicle, and a shootout begins. Don't mess around, Pulaski has a strong weapon and it will decrease your health quicker than you think. Gun him down, and watch the cutscene. Pulaski's last request is that he "f---'s your sister". Carl finishes him off with a powerful stomp to the head.

If you're having difficulty in the "gunning him down" stage, try ramming his vehicle off-road early on in the mission. With any luck, he'll fall over the canyon - therefore destroying his route. If the vehicle is in good condition after the fall, Pulaski will repeatedly drive into the wall in order to get back on his original route. Pull him out of the vehicle, and waste him. If the vehicle lands upside down and catches fire, Pulaski will flee and again simply gun him down. Also, Pulaski is a poor swimmer, so you can push his car into one of the rivers, but unfortunately this method disables the final cutscene which shows CJ finishing him off.

1 ik snap niet warom moet die dood

2 warom moet die in een graf

3 als ik de vertaal machiene gebruiket is alles vet vaag

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nee hoor ik dagt van

1: omdat hernandez belangrijk informatie heeft gegeven

2: omdat hij wordt vermoord en cj moest ook in de kuil maar hernandez had die kogel opgevangen

3: omdat ze sommige namen als egte woorden zetten bv sweet- het zoetje

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nee hoor ik dagt van

1: omdat hernandez belangrijk informatie heeft gegeven

2: omdat hij wordt vermoord en cj moest ook in de kuil maar hernandez had die kogel opgevangen

3: omdat ze sommige namen als egte woorden zetten bv sweet- het zoetje

1.Aan de politie.

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Maar Toen Pulaski Cj Wou Dood Maken Wou Hernandez TOch Dat Cj niet dood ging

Maar hoe wer hernandez dood gegaan

Omdat Cj een getuige is denk. ik en Hernandez werd neergeschoten

Bewerkt: door gta-liefhebber
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Pulaski En Tenpenny Zijn Eigenlijk Geen Agenten Toch

het zijn wel agenten maar zo kan je ze niet beschouwen, want ze zijn erg corrupt.

eigenlijk zijn ze nog slechter dan alle balles vagos en grove street members bij elkaar. :Y

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weet jij een site maar ook nederlands waar ik meer info kan vinden over Pulaski en Tenpenny

Die mag ik je hiereigenlijk niet geven maar ik heb alle info gevonden voordat ik lid was maar ga naar google typ in gta.pagina daar heb ik wel wat sites gevonden.

Bewerkt: door gta-liefhebber
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thnx maar sorry voor hetr vraghenn betekent corrupt geheime agenten??

Dat is niet erg hoor ik vind die vragen wel leuk hoe leg ik dat snel uit nou corrupte agenten zijn agenten die bijvoorbeeld steekpeningen aannemen die omgaan met gangsters die werken voor de mafia enz.

Bewerkt: door gta-liefhebber
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