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Explosive Barel

<<Salvatore Leone>>

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Weet iemand de Object code van die Explosive barel

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anders post hij hier niet he :) ik vraag het me ook wel af. zoveel codes maar bij sommige krijg ik niets te zien of wel blijft spel hangen .

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017c-0186 nothing

0187-018a part of railroad track

018b-0198 nothing

0199-019e crash

019f-01a7 nothing

01a8 metal wall

01a9-01b6 nothing

01b7 red metal (? garage door)

01b8-01be nothing

01bf grey wall

01c0 crash

01c1-01c2 nothing

01c3 metal door

01c4 metal door

01c5-01d4 nothing

01d5-01da crash

01db-01dd nothing

01de keep out gate

01df nothing

01e0 taller keep out gate

01e1 nothing

01e2 nothing

01e3 nothing

01e4 tunnel shafting in progress with gate attached

01e5 nothing

01e6 tunnel shafting in progress with wooden thing attached

01e7-01e9 nothing

01ea warning closed to traffic with 5 road blocks (? for bridge)

01eb-01ed nothing

01ee metal railing

01ef metal railing

01f0 smaller metal railing

01f1 long metal railing

01f2 metal fence

01f3 metal fence with barbed wire on top

01f4-01f8 nothing

01f9-01ff nothing

017b road with three yellow sqaures

016c-017a nothing

016B road

0164-016A nothing

0163 (CRASH)

0148-0162 nothing

013A-0147 part of a railroad track

0132-0139 nothing

0131 part of a bridge

0130 nothing

0129 (CRASH)

0128 (CRASH)

0127 (CRASH)

0126 looks like the middle or somthing of a minigun

0125 extremly small object

0124 photo camera

0123 remote detonator

0122 looks like the bottom part of a minigun

0121 looks kinda like a minigun

0120 flame thrower

011f rocket launcher

011e newer looking sniper

011d sniper rifle

011c fourth uzi

011b a third uzi

011a differnt uzi

0119 an uzi

0118 some weapon

0117 shotgun

0116 different shotgun

0115 normal shotgun

0114 AK thinghy I think

0113 colt?

0112 handgun

0111 rocket thinghy

0110 moltov

010F teargas

010E handgrenade

010D chainsaw

010C sword

010B shorter sword

010A axe

0109 diferent axe

0108 basebal bat

0107 knife

0106 police bat

0105 hockey club

0104 knife of somesort

0103 brass cnuckles

0102 somthing

0101 (CRASH)

0100 (CRASH)

...............0x200................all values found

0200: nothing

0201: nothing

0202: red thinghy

0203: nothing

0204: a huge garage door or somthing

0206: briefcase

0207: buoy

0208: not sure what it is...

0209: fire hydrant

020A: money

020B: a bomb with a red light (o somthing like that)

020C: a wooden box

020D: a door (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

020E: nothing

020F: a lamp for outdoors with a powerfull light10: a door

0210: a door

0211: a garage door

0212: a different garage door (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

0213: telephone

0214: rusty fuel can thinghy (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

0215: brown fuel tank thinghy

0216: wood planks thing (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

0217: smaller box

0218: box

0219: red coal can thinghy

021A: lamp post (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

021B: wooden box

021C: red fuel can thing

021D: different lamppost (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

021E: red fuel can thing with a thinghy on top

021F: rusty trashcan

0220: container

0221: small roadblock

0222: bus sign or somthuing (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

0223: half open box (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

0224: lamppost (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

0225: lamppost (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

0226: no parkikng sign

0227: phone sign

0228: trashcan

0229: a invisible object

022A: A fruitbasket full of somtig red

022B: a buoy with a handle

022C: a cone (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

022D: Information pickup (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

022E: health pickup

022F: adrenaline pickup

0230: grey thinghy

0231: a package of somesort

0232: a stack of papers

0233: a broken part of asphalt (maybe)

0234: a smaller broken piece of asphalt

0235: a door or somthing

0236: a door or somthing

0237: a HUGE buoy

0238: a half window screen

0239: a wall with a door hole in iy

023a: a green door

023b: video game?

023c: nothing

023d: nothing

023e: door

023f: police bribe

0240: a black thing

0241: nothing

0242: a dark thingh

0243: nothing

0244: roadblock gate thingh(old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

0245: bomb

0246: a large window (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

0247: an unused pickup (of a video camera)

0248: rampage pickup - A rampage pickup can not be moved. You can change it's texture but it willl still play as a rampage.

0249: fish

024A: a traffic light

024B: armor pickup

024C: nothing

024D: metal pole

024E: top of a traffic light

024F: top of a raffic ligh (opposite way)

0250: top of one light traffic light

0251: mummy

0x252: nothing

0x253: nothing

0x254: light post (old)

0x255: blue post office box or garbage can (old)

0x256: news paper dispenser

0x257: park bench (old)

0x258: large rectangular basket with hay in it

0x259: red rectangular thing (?news) (old)

0x25a: fish stand (red)

0x25b: bench with umbrella (old)

0x25c: Expresso 2 go stand

0x25d: light with two stands on it like -> /\

0x25e: punk noodles stand

0x25f: fish stand (red and grey)

0x260: nothing

0261: another streetlight thing

0x262-0x265: nothing

0x266: crash

0x267: crash

0x268: tree

0x269: huge tree

0x26a: large tree

0x26b: large tree

0x26c: thinner small tree

0x26d: thinner small tree

0x26e: thinner small tree with metal fencing around it

0x26f: thinner taller tree with metal fencing around it

0x270: large tree

0x271: medium tree

0x272: medium tree planted in wooden box

0x273: medium tree planted in wooden box

0x274-0x27b: nothing

0x27c: huge tree

0x27d: thinner taller tree with metal fencing around it

0x27e: nothing

0x27f-0x2ff: nothing

...............0x300................all found

0x300-0x368 nothing

0x369 metal wall (?garage door)

0x36a-9a nothing

0x39b door

0x39c-0x39f nothing

0x3a0 regular garage door

0x3a1-e4 nothing

0x3e5 regular garage door

0x3e6-0x3ff nothing






0800-082a nothing

082b: red garage door

082c-0841 nothing

0842 garage door with two fat red lines

0843-084a nothing

084b: garage door

084c: container

084d-0865 nothing




0B62: Traffic light

...............0xC00................all values found

0xc00-0xc6f nothing

0xc70 red garage door

0xc71-0xc9f nothing

0xca0-0xca9 nothing

0xcaa-0xcb1 (CRASH)

0xcb2 black double door

0xcb3 dark garage door

0xcb4,0xcb5 nothing

0xcb6 garage door

0xcb7-0xcbf nothing

0xcc0-0xcc3 line with lots of chinese symbols on it

0xcc4 wire with round lights on it (from china town, I think)

0xcc5-0xcc8 nothing

0xcc9 a square with garages and alot of stuff. lots of crowns on it. (unsolid) (it's kindof like a buildnig really)

0xcca brickwall (?) shaped as a door

0xccb,0xccc nothing

0xccd door

0xcce-0xcd0 nothing

0xcd1 a watertank(?) with stripes on it

0xcd2-0xcd6 nothing

0xcd7-0xcdb black rectangle breakable glass

0xcdc-0xcef nothing

0xcf0 line with chinese symbols

0xcf1 nothing

0xcf2 line with chinese symbols

0xcf3-0xcf9 nothing

0xcfa-0xcfc clothing lines, with sheets

0xcfd nothing

0xcfe dark garage door

0xcff nothing

...............0xD00................ around 80 values missing

0xd00-0xd09 nothing

0xd0a wooden door

0xd0b-0xd11 nothing

0xd12 Large metal poles formed as a soccer goal

0xd13-0xd19 nothing

0xd1a large regular garage door

0xd1b-0xd1d nothing

0xd1e telephone pole

0xd1f-0xd25 nothing

0xd26-0xd2A (CRASH)

0xd2F, 0xd30 (CRASH)

0xd3e (CRASH)

0xd40 (CRASH)

0xd52 (CRASH)

0xd67 (CRASH)

0xd77 (CRASH)

0xd90 (CRASH)

0xda2 (CRASH)

0xdab (CRASH)

0xdac-0xdb5 nothing

0xdb6 old burnt out car

0xdb7 burnt bus

0xdb8-0xdbf nothing

0xdc0 tall lamppost

0xdc1-0xdd5 nothing

0xdd6 car crusher

0xdd7 nothing

0xdd8,0xdd9 (CRASH)

0xde0 (CRASH)

0xdee (CRASH)

0xdf3 (CRASH)

...............0xE00................12 values missing

0xe00-0xe0f crash

0xe10-0xe4c nothing

0xe4d nothing(?)

0xe4e fence

0xe4f fence

0xe50 nothing

0xe51-0xe56 crash

0xe57-0xe63 not tested (assumed crash) (0xe59 is crash)

0xe64 crash

0xe65-0xe7c nothing

0xe7d crash

0xe7e-0xe92 nothing

0xe93 crash

0xe94-0xe9b nothing

0xe9c crash

0xe9d nothing

0xe9e-0xea5 crash

0xea6-0xea8 nothing

0xea9 dollar sign pickup

0xeaa-0xeaf nothing

0xeb0 spike strip

0xeb1-0xeca nothing

0xecb-0xecf black rectangle (?table top)

0xed0 black sign

0xed1 nothing

0xed2 rusted barrel with wood in it

0xed3 black sign

0xed4 nothing

0xed5 t-shirt pickup

0xed6 black ramp

0xed7 gate

0xed8 window with papers on it

0xed9 nothing

0xeda bomb with keypad

0xedb nothing

0xedc road from the bridge

0xedd-0xede nothing

0xedf road (?part of bridge)

0xee0 nothing

0xee1 bunch of horizontal poles

0xee2 bunch of vertical poles

0xee3 red net (?)

0xee4 bunch of horizontal poles

0xee5-0xef0 nothing

0xef1 red net thingh

0xef2 bunch of horizontal poles

0xef3-0xf6 nothing

oxef7 road from a bridge, with a hole in the middle

0xef8 nothing

0xef9 (CRASH)

0xefa horizontal poles

oxefb blue wires

0xefc-0xefe nothing

0xeff door with a round window

...............0xF00................20 values missing

0xf00 Bridge road block


0xf02 nothing

0xf03 a folder(?) with the writing TOP SECRET on it

0xf04 a small paper

0xf05 red house pickup

0xf06 green house pickup

0xf07 explosion pick up (or somthing)

0xf08 nothing

0xf09 blue '+' pickup

0xf0A blue '?' pickup

0xf0b-0xf16 nothing

0xf17 blue door

0xf18,0xf19 nothing

0xf1a wood door

0xf1B-0xf24 nothing

0xf25 ramp

0xf26-0xf2a nothing

0xF2B save CD

0xf2c-0xf33 nothing

0xf34 voting ballots

0xf35 ballot printing machine

0xf36 table

0xf37 2 blue things

0xf38,0xf39 nothing

0xf3a (CRASH)

0xf4c (CRASH)

0xf4F (CRASH)

0xf50-0xf73 nothing

0xf74 radio

0xf75 box of pizza

0xf76 punk noodles

0xf77-0xf8a nothing

0xf8b inside of a building (?cutscene)

0xf8c small red spot (?blood)

0xf90-0xf93 wooden boards

0xf94 nothing

0xf95-0xf9b insides of various buildings (?cutscenes)

0xf9c nothing

0xf9d nothing

0xf9e red car pickup

0xf9f green car pickup

0xfa1 rock star duffel bag

0xfa2 cooking pot

0xfa3 rock star duffel bag

0xfa5 small building

0xfa8 same small building

0xfaa brown/green container

0xfab,0xfac short wooden wall

0xfae open breifcase

0xfaf split fence

0xfb0 fence

0xfb1 fence

0xfb2 keep out fence

0xfb3 blue flag in blue bucket

0xfb4 red flag in red bucket

0xfb5 small white candle

0xfb7 saw blade

0xfb8 meat

0xfbc tnt with timer

0xfbd newspaper

0xfbe airplane

0xfc4 lcpd road block

0xfc5 blue door

0xfd5 wooden door

0xfe9 package

0xfea punk noodle packages

0xff6 inside of salvatore's house (cutscene)

0xff7 bird and window

0xff8-0xfff nothing


1202: (CRASH)


1313: (CRASH)


2218: (CRASH)


5218: (CRASH)


C218: (CRASH)



Greetz :)

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017c-0186 nothing

0187-018a part of railroad track

018b-0198 nothing

0199-019e crash

019f-01a7 nothing

01a8 metal wall

01a9-01b6 nothing

01b7 red metal (? garage door)

01b8-01be nothing

01bf grey wall

01c0 crash

01c1-01c2 nothing

01c3 metal door

01c4 metal door

01c5-01d4 nothing

01d5-01da crash

01db-01dd nothing

01de keep out gate

01df nothing

01e0 taller keep out gate

01e1 nothing

01e2 nothing

01e3 nothing

01e4 tunnel shafting in progress with gate attached

01e5 nothing

01e6 tunnel shafting in progress with wooden thing attached

01e7-01e9 nothing

01ea warning closed to traffic with 5 road blocks (? for bridge)

01eb-01ed nothing

01ee metal railing

01ef metal railing

01f0 smaller metal railing

01f1 long metal railing

01f2 metal fence

01f3 metal fence with barbed wire on top

01f4-01f8 nothing

01f9-01ff nothing

017b road with three yellow sqaures

016c-017a nothing

016B road

0164-016A nothing

0163 (CRASH)

0148-0162 nothing

013A-0147 part of a railroad track

0132-0139 nothing

0131 part of a bridge

0130 nothing

0129 (CRASH)

0128 (CRASH)

0127 (CRASH)

0126 looks like the middle or somthing of a minigun

0125 extremly small object

0124 photo camera

0123 remote detonator

0122 looks like the bottom part of a minigun

0121 looks kinda like a minigun

0120 flame thrower

011f rocket launcher

011e newer looking sniper

011d sniper rifle

011c fourth uzi

011b a third uzi

011a differnt uzi

0119 an uzi

0118 some weapon

0117 shotgun

0116 different shotgun

0115 normal shotgun

0114 AK thinghy I think

0113 colt?

0112 handgun

0111 rocket thinghy

0110 moltov

010F teargas

010E handgrenade

010D chainsaw

010C sword

010B shorter sword

010A axe

0109 diferent axe

0108 basebal bat

0107 knife

0106 police bat

0105 hockey club

0104 knife of somesort

0103 brass cnuckles

0102 somthing

0101 (CRASH)

0100 (CRASH)

...............0x200................all values found

0200: nothing

0201: nothing

0202: red thinghy

0203: nothing

0204: a huge garage door or somthing

0206: briefcase

0207: buoy

0208: not sure what it is...

0209: fire hydrant

020A: money

020B: a bomb with a red light (o somthing like that)

020C: a wooden box

020D: a door (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

020E: nothing

020F: a lamp for outdoors with a powerfull light10: a door

0210: a door

0211: a garage door

0212: a different garage door (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

0213: telephone

0214: rusty fuel can thinghy (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

0215: brown fuel tank thinghy

0216: wood planks thing (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

0217: smaller box

0218: box

0219: red coal can thinghy

021A: lamp post (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

021B: wooden box

021C: red fuel can thing

021D: different lamppost (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

021E: red fuel can thing with a thinghy on top

021F: rusty trashcan

0220: container

0221: small roadblock

0222: bus sign or somthuing (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

0223: half open box (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

0224: lamppost (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

0225: lamppost (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

0226: no parkikng sign

0227: phone sign

0228: trashcan

0229: a invisible object

022A: A fruitbasket full of somtig red

022B: a buoy with a handle

022C: a cone (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

022D: Information pickup (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

022E: health pickup

022F: adrenaline pickup

0230: grey thinghy

0231: a package of somesort

0232: a stack of papers

0233: a broken part of asphalt (maybe)

0234: a smaller broken piece of asphalt

0235: a door or somthing

0236: a door or somthing

0237: a HUGE buoy

0238: a half window screen

0239: a wall with a door hole in iy

023a: a green door

023b: video game?

023c: nothing

023d: nothing

023e: door

023f: police bribe

0240: a black thing

0241: nothing

0242: a dark thingh

0243: nothing

0244: roadblock gate thingh(old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

0245: bomb

0246: a large window (old objects also sticks with it if you change to this one)

0247: an unused pickup (of a video camera)

0248: rampage pickup - A rampage pickup can not be moved. You can change it's texture but it willl still play as a rampage.

0249: fish

024A: a traffic light

024B: armor pickup

024C: nothing

024D: metal pole

024E: top of a traffic light

024F: top of a raffic ligh (opposite way)

0250: top of one light traffic light

0251: mummy

0x252: nothing

0x253: nothing

0x254: light post (old)

0x255: blue post office box or garbage can (old)

0x256: news paper dispenser

0x257: park bench (old)

0x258: large rectangular basket with hay in it

0x259: red rectangular thing (?news) (old)

0x25a: fish stand (red)

0x25b: bench with umbrella (old)

0x25c: Expresso 2 go stand

0x25d: light with two stands on it like -> /\

0x25e: punk noodles stand

0x25f: fish stand (red and grey)

0x260: nothing

0261: another streetlight thing

0x262-0x265: nothing

0x266: crash

0x267: crash

0x268: tree

0x269: huge tree

0x26a: large tree

0x26b: large tree

0x26c: thinner small tree

0x26d: thinner small tree

0x26e: thinner small tree with metal fencing around it

0x26f: thinner taller tree with metal fencing around it

0x270: large tree

0x271: medium tree

0x272: medium tree planted in wooden box

0x273: medium tree planted in wooden box

0x274-0x27b: nothing

0x27c: huge tree

0x27d: thinner taller tree with metal fencing around it

0x27e: nothing

0x27f-0x2ff: nothing

...............0x300................all found

0x300-0x368 nothing

0x369 metal wall (?garage door)

0x36a-9a nothing

0x39b door

0x39c-0x39f nothing

0x3a0 regular garage door

0x3a1-e4 nothing

0x3e5 regular garage door

0x3e6-0x3ff nothing






0800-082a nothing

082b: red garage door

082c-0841 nothing

0842 garage door with two fat red lines

0843-084a nothing

084b: garage door

084c: container

084d-0865 nothing




0B62: Traffic light

...............0xC00................all values found

0xc00-0xc6f nothing

0xc70 red garage door

0xc71-0xc9f nothing

0xca0-0xca9 nothing

0xcaa-0xcb1 (CRASH)

0xcb2 black double door

0xcb3 dark garage door

0xcb4,0xcb5 nothing

0xcb6 garage door

0xcb7-0xcbf nothing

0xcc0-0xcc3 line with lots of chinese symbols on it

0xcc4 wire with round lights on it (from china town, I think)

0xcc5-0xcc8 nothing

0xcc9 a square with garages and alot of stuff. lots of crowns on it. (unsolid) (it's kindof like a buildnig really)

0xcca brickwall (?) shaped as a door

0xccb,0xccc nothing

0xccd door

0xcce-0xcd0 nothing

0xcd1 a watertank(?) with stripes on it

0xcd2-0xcd6 nothing

0xcd7-0xcdb black rectangle breakable glass

0xcdc-0xcef nothing

0xcf0 line with chinese symbols

0xcf1 nothing

0xcf2 line with chinese symbols

0xcf3-0xcf9 nothing

0xcfa-0xcfc clothing lines, with sheets

0xcfd nothing

0xcfe dark garage door

0xcff nothing

...............0xD00................ around 80 values missing

0xd00-0xd09 nothing

0xd0a wooden door

0xd0b-0xd11 nothing

0xd12 Large metal poles formed as a soccer goal

0xd13-0xd19 nothing

0xd1a large regular garage door

0xd1b-0xd1d nothing

0xd1e telephone pole

0xd1f-0xd25 nothing

0xd26-0xd2A (CRASH)

0xd2F, 0xd30 (CRASH)

0xd3e (CRASH)

0xd40 (CRASH)

0xd52 (CRASH)

0xd67 (CRASH)

0xd77 (CRASH)

0xd90 (CRASH)

0xda2 (CRASH)

0xdab (CRASH)

0xdac-0xdb5 nothing

0xdb6 old burnt out car

0xdb7 burnt bus

0xdb8-0xdbf nothing

0xdc0 tall lamppost

0xdc1-0xdd5 nothing

0xdd6 car crusher

0xdd7 nothing

0xdd8,0xdd9 (CRASH)

0xde0 (CRASH)

0xdee (CRASH)

0xdf3 (CRASH)

...............0xE00................12 values missing

0xe00-0xe0f crash

0xe10-0xe4c nothing

0xe4d nothing(?)

0xe4e fence

0xe4f fence

0xe50 nothing

0xe51-0xe56 crash

0xe57-0xe63 not tested (assumed crash) (0xe59 is crash)

0xe64 crash

0xe65-0xe7c nothing

0xe7d crash

0xe7e-0xe92 nothing

0xe93 crash

0xe94-0xe9b nothing

0xe9c crash

0xe9d nothing

0xe9e-0xea5 crash

0xea6-0xea8 nothing

0xea9 dollar sign pickup

0xeaa-0xeaf nothing

0xeb0 spike strip

0xeb1-0xeca nothing

0xecb-0xecf black rectangle (?table top)

0xed0 black sign

0xed1 nothing

0xed2 rusted barrel with wood in it

0xed3 black sign

0xed4 nothing

0xed5 t-shirt pickup

0xed6 black ramp

0xed7 gate

0xed8 window with papers on it

0xed9 nothing

0xeda bomb with keypad

0xedb nothing

0xedc road from the bridge

0xedd-0xede nothing

0xedf road (?part of bridge)

0xee0 nothing

0xee1 bunch of horizontal poles

0xee2 bunch of vertical poles

0xee3 red net (?)

0xee4 bunch of horizontal poles

0xee5-0xef0 nothing

0xef1 red net thingh

0xef2 bunch of horizontal poles

0xef3-0xf6 nothing

oxef7 road from a bridge, with a hole in the middle

0xef8 nothing

0xef9 (CRASH)

0xefa horizontal poles

oxefb blue wires

0xefc-0xefe nothing

0xeff door with a round window

...............0xF00................20 values missing

0xf00 Bridge road block


0xf02 nothing

0xf03 a folder(?) with the writing TOP SECRET on it

0xf04 a small paper

0xf05 red house pickup

0xf06 green house pickup

0xf07 explosion pick up (or somthing)

0xf08 nothing

0xf09 blue '+' pickup

0xf0A blue '?' pickup

0xf0b-0xf16 nothing

0xf17 blue door

0xf18,0xf19 nothing

0xf1a wood door

0xf1B-0xf24 nothing

0xf25 ramp

0xf26-0xf2a nothing

0xF2B save CD

0xf2c-0xf33 nothing

0xf34 voting ballots

0xf35 ballot printing machine

0xf36 table

0xf37 2 blue things

0xf38,0xf39 nothing

0xf3a (CRASH)

0xf4c (CRASH)

0xf4F (CRASH)

0xf50-0xf73 nothing

0xf74 radio

0xf75 box of pizza

0xf76 punk noodles

0xf77-0xf8a nothing

0xf8b inside of a building (?cutscene)

0xf8c small red spot (?blood)

0xf90-0xf93 wooden boards

0xf94 nothing

0xf95-0xf9b insides of various buildings (?cutscenes)

0xf9c nothing

0xf9d nothing

0xf9e red car pickup

0xf9f green car pickup

0xfa1 rock star duffel bag

0xfa2 cooking pot

0xfa3 rock star duffel bag

0xfa5 small building

0xfa8 same small building

0xfaa brown/green container

0xfab,0xfac short wooden wall

0xfae open breifcase

0xfaf split fence

0xfb0 fence

0xfb1 fence

0xfb2 keep out fence

0xfb3 blue flag in blue bucket

0xfb4 red flag in red bucket

0xfb5 small white candle

0xfb7 saw blade

0xfb8 meat

0xfbc tnt with timer

0xfbd newspaper

0xfbe airplane

0xfc4 lcpd road block

0xfc5 blue door

0xfd5 wooden door

0xfe9 package

0xfea punk noodle packages

0xff6 inside of salvatore's house (cutscene)

0xff7 bird and window

0xff8-0xfff nothing


1202: (CRASH)


1313: (CRASH)


2218: (CRASH)


5218: (CRASH)


C218: (CRASH)



Greetz :)



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