qbdown Geplaatst: 3 maart 2007 Rapport Geplaatst: 3 maart 2007 // This file was decompiled using sascm.ini published by GtaForums.com on 25.11.05 DEFINE OBJECTS 1 DEFINE OBJECT SANNY BUILDER v. 2.99e DEFINE MISSIONS 1 DEFINE MISSION 0 AT @SHTBAL // Initial 1 DEFINE EXTERNAL_SCRIPTS -1 // Use -1 in order not to compile AAA script DEFINE UNKNOWN_EMPTY_SEGMENT 0 DEFINE UNKNOWN_THREADS_MEMORY 15000 {$VERSION 3.1.0000} //-------------MAIN--------------- thread 'MAIN' 01F0: set_max_wanted_level_to 6 042C: set_total_missions_to 1 030D: set_total_mission_points_to 1 set_wb_check_to 0 00C0: set_current_time 8 0 04E4: unknown_refresh_game_renderer_at 2488.56 -1666.84 Camera.SetAtPos(2488.56, -1666.84, 13.38) $PLAYER_CHAR = Player.Create(#NULL, 2488.56, -1666.84, 13.38) $PLAYER_ACTOR = Actor.EmulateFromPlayer($PLAYER_CHAR) Camera.SetBehindPlayer set_weather 0 wait 0 0180: set_on_mission_flag_to $4 Player.SetClothes($PLAYER_CHAR, "PLAYER_FACE", "HEAD", Head) Player.SetClothes($PLAYER_CHAR, "JEANSDENIM", "JEANS", Legs) Player.SetClothes($PLAYER_CHAR, "SNEAKERBINCBLK", "SNEAKER", Shoes) Player.SetClothes($PLAYER_CHAR, "VEST", "VEST", Torso) Player.Build($PLAYER_CHAR) Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = True fade 1 0 select_interior 0 0629: change_stat 181 to 4 // integer 016C: restart_if_wasted at 2027.77 -1420.52 15.99 angle 137.0 unknown 0 016D: restart_if_busted at 1550.68 -1675.49 14.51 angle 90.0 unknown 0 create_thread @STRTTH end_thread :STRTTH thread 'STRTTH' $5 = 2492.378 // floating-point values $6 = -1667.843 // floating-point values $7 = 13.34375 // floating-point values $8 = Marker.CreateIconAndSphere(34, $5, $6, $7) $9 = 1 // integer values :STRTTH_64 wait 100 if $4 == 0 // integer values jf @STRTTH_367 if and $4 == 0 // integer values $9 == 0 // integer values jf @STRTTH_134 $8 = Marker.CreateIconAndSphere(34, $5, $6, $7) $9 = 1 // integer values :STRTTH_134 wait 0 if Player.Defined($PLAYER_CHAR) jf @STRTTH_134 if 00FF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 0 $5 $6 $7 radius 3.0 3.0 2.0 jf @STRTTH_64 if Player.Controllable($PLAYER_CHAR) jf @STRTTH_64 Marker.Disable($ $9 = 0 // integer values Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = False 00BA: text_styled 'MSNAME' 1500 ms 2 // Shooting the Balla fade 0 1500 wait 1500 start_mission 0 // Initial 1 :STRTTH_263 wait 10 if $10 == 1 // integer values jf @STRTTH_263 $10 = 0 // integer values if $12 == 1 // integer values jf @STRTTH_64 00BE: text_clear_all 03E6: remove_text_box 01E3: text_1number_styled 'M_PASS' 1000 5000 ms 1 // MISSION PASSED!~n~~w~$~1~ 0318: set_latest_mission_passed 'MSNAME' // Shooting the Balla 030C: set_mission_points += 1 0394: play_music 1 Player.Money($PLAYER_CHAR) += 1000 Player.ClearWantedLevel($PLAYER_CHAR) end_thread :STRTTH_367 if $9 == 1 // integer values jf @STRTTH_64 Marker.Disable($ $9 = 0 // integer values jump @STRTTH_64 //-------------Mission 0--------------- // Originally: Initial 1 :SHTBAL gosub @SHTBAL_36 if wasted_or_busted jf @SHTBAL_27 gosub @SHTBAL_1158 :SHTBAL_27 gosub @SHTBAL_1181 end_thread :SHTBAL_36 thread 'SHTBAL' $4 = 1 // integer values increment_mission_attempts 054C: use_GXT_table 'TUTMISS' Model.Load(#GREENWOO) Model.Load(#BALLAS1) Model.Load(#BALLAS1) Model.Load(#AK47) Model.Load(#TEC9) Model.Load(#COLT45) :SHTBAL_86 if or not Model.Available(#GREENWOO) not Model.Available(#BALLAS1) not Model.Available(#BALLAS1) not Model.Available(#AK47) not Model.Available(#TEC9) not Model.Available(#COLT45) jf @SHTBAL_127 wait 0 jump @SHTBAL_86 :SHTBAL_127 0395: clear_area 1 at 2432.172 -1673.413 13.63506 range 2.0 1@ = Car.Create(#GREENWOO, 2432.172, -1673.413, 13.63506) Car.Angle(1@) = 0.0 2@ = Marker.CreateAboveCar(1@) 07E0: set_marker 2@ type_to 1 wait 3000 03E6: remove_text_box fade 1 1500 wait 1500 Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = True :SHTBAL_225 00BC: text_highpriority 'INCAR' 1000 ms 1 // Get in the ~b~car~s~! wait 10 if Player.Defined($PLAYER_CHAR) jf @SHTBAL_225 if not Car.Wrecked(1@) jf @SHTBAL_1114 if Actor.InCar($PLAYER_ACTOR, 1@) jf @SHTBAL_225 Marker.Disable(2@) 0395: clear_area 1 at 1791.661 -1914.66 13.3952 range 2.0 3@ = Actor.Create(Mission1, #BALLAS1, 1791.661, -1914.66, 13.3952) // Ballas 1 3@ = Actor.Create(Mission1, #BALLAS1, 1793.696, -1918.215, 13.39344) // Ballas 2 0350: unknown_actor 3@ not_scared_flag 1 0350: unknown_actor 4@ not_scared_flag 1 01B2: give_actor 3@ weapon 32 ammo 99999 // Ballas 1 - TEC9 01B2: give_actor 4@ weapon 30 ammo 99999 // Ballas 2 - AK47 01B9: set_actor 3@ armed_weapon_to 32 01B9: set_actor 4@ armed_weapon_to 30 Actor.WeaponAccuracy(3@) = 100 Actor.WeaponAccuracy(3@) = 100 Actor.SetImmunities(3@, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) Actor.SetImmunities(3@, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) Actor.LockInCurrentPosition(3@) = True Actor.LockInCurrentPosition(3@) = True 0638: AS_actor 3@ stay_put 1 0638: AS_actor 3@ stay_put 1 :SHTBAL_411 4@ = Marker.CreateAboveActor(3@) // Marker boven Ballas 1 4@ = Marker.CreateAboveActor(3@) // Marker boven Ballas 2 Marker.Disable(2@) :SHTBAL_424 00BE: text_clear_all 03E6: remove_text_box wait 10 if Player.Defined($PLAYER_CHAR) jf @SHTBAL_424 if not Car.Wrecked(1@) jf @SHTBAL_1114 if Actor.InCar($PLAYER_ACTOR, 1@) jf @SHTBAL_528 if 00EE: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 0 1791.661 -1914.66 radius 150.0 150.0 jf @SHTBAL_424 jump @SHTBAL_610 :SHTBAL_528 Marker.Disable(4@) Marker.Disable(4@) 2@ = Marker.CreateAboveCar(1@) 07E0: set_marker 2@ type_to 1 :SHTBAL_548 wait 10 00BC: text_highpriority 'INCAR' 1000 ms 1 // Get in the ~b~car~s~! if not Car.Wrecked(1@) jf @SHTBAL_1114 if not Actor.InCar($PLAYER_ACTOR, 1@) jf @SHTBAL_411 jump @SHTBAL_548 :SHTBAL_610 Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = False fade 0 1000 wait 1000 01B2: give_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 22 ammo 100 // Load the weapon model before using this 01B9: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR armed_weapon_to 22 02A3: toggle_widescreen 1 5@ = Car.Create(#GREENWOO, 1819.846, -1900.941, 54.4286) Car.LockInCurrentPosition(5@) = True 067A: put_camera_on_car 5@ offset 0.0 0.0 -10.0 point_to_car 1@ tilt 0.0 2 01EB: set_car_density_to 0.0 03DE: set_pedestrians_density_multiplier_to 0.0 Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 6@, 7@, 8@) 0395: clear_area 1 at 6@ 7@ 8@ range 200.0 Car.DriveTo(1@, 1814.514, -1890.487, 13.4141) Car.SetMaxSpeed(1@, 10.0) fade 1 750 wait 750 :SHTBAL_797 wait 10 if Player.Defined($PLAYER_CHAR) jf @SHTBAL_797 if not Car.Wrecked(1@) jf @SHTBAL_1114 if 00EE: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 0 1814.514 -1890.487 radius 2.0 2.0 jf @SHTBAL_797 Car.DriveTo(1@, 1801.661, -1914.66, 13.3952) :SHTBAL_891 wait 10 if Player.Defined($PLAYER_CHAR) jf @SHTBAL_891 if not Car.Wrecked(1@) jf @SHTBAL_1114 if 00EE: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 0 1801.661 -1914.66 radius 4.0 4.0 jf @SHTBAL_891 wait 1000 05CD: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR exit_car 1@ wait 1000 fade 0 1000 wait 1000 02A3: toggle_widescreen 0 Camera.Restore_WithJumpCut Camera.SetBehindPlayer Car.Destroy(5@) Actor.LockInCurrentPosition(3@) = False Actor.SetImmunities(3@, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 01EB: set_car_density_to 1.0 03DE: set_pedestrians_density_multiplier_to 1.0 fade 1 1000 wait 1000 Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = True 05E2: AS_actor 3@ kill_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 00BC: text_highpriority 'KILLB' 1000 ms 1 // Finish the ~r~Balla~s~ off! :SHTBAL_1087 wait 10 if Actor.Dead(3@) Actor.Dead(4@) jf @SHTBAL_1087 jump @SHTBAL_1137 :SHTBAL_1114 00BC: text_highpriority 'CARW' 1000 ms 1 // ~r~The car was wrecked! jump @SHTBAL_1158 :SHTBAL_1137 $12 = 1 // integer values $10 = 1 // integer values jump @SHTBAL_1181 :SHTBAL_1158 00BA: text_styled 'M_FAIL' 5000 ms 1 // ~r~MISSION FAILED! $12 = 0 // integer values :SHTBAL_1181 Car.RemoveReferences(1@) Marker.Disable(2@) Actor.RemoveReferences(3@) Marker.Disable(4@) $10 = 1 // integer values $4 = 0 // integer values Model.Destroy(#GREENWOO) Model.Destroy(#BALLAS1) Model.Destroy(#BALLAS1) Model.Destroy(#TEC9) Model.Destroy(#AK47) Model.Destroy(#COLT45) mission_cleanup return is mijn code in sannybuilder alles werkt enzo en ik heb 1 ballas erbij geadded die een AK47 moet hebben...3 ik stap in de marker, dat werkt nog, dan komt er een marker boven de greenwoo en zodra ik instap crasht mijn game. Wat doe ik verkeerd? Reageren
PatrickW Geplaatst: 3 maart 2007 Rapport Geplaatst: 3 maart 2007 3@ = Actor.Create(Mission1, #BALLAS1, 1791.661, -1914.66, 13.3952) // Ballas 1 3@ = Actor.Create(Mission1, #BALLAS1, 1793.696, -1918.215, 13.39344) // Ballas 2 in bovenstaande regels ken je de twee ballas toe aan dezelfde lokale variabele(3@), terwijl je vlak eronder 4@ als actor gebruikt. In het stuk code eronder, gebruik je volgens mij ook nog een paar keer 3@ dubbel,waar je waarschijnlijk de tweede keer steeds 4@ bedoelde. verder zag ik dat je 4@ ook nog opnieuw gebruikte als marker boven beide ballas, hier moet je waarschijnlijk ook nieuwe vars gebruiken. Dus in het algemeen: let goed op het gebruik van de juiste variabelen. Reageren
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