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Multi Theft Auto is weer grappig.

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Ook doet MTA DM aan 1 April.

After a lot of discussion with the guys over at Valve Software, it has been decided that the best way to release our next MTASA version would be through the Steam content delivery software.

The "Multi Theft Auto: Deathmatch" game entry was recently added to Steam as a stub (still only available to us developers), allowing us to experiment with this new way of patching.


MTASA:DM in Steam

Release plans are still being discussed right now, but MTA:SA "Deathmatch" is expected to be available for a small fee of $5.95. Steam customers will be able to order Multi Theft Auto, with just a few clicks, through the Steam ordering system. (They're expected to own a copy of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.)

Steam allows us to do more frequent on-demand updates, without requiring our users to go to our website and download new versions of the software. The dedicated servers can also be upgraded very easily through Steam, as some people may already know. We honestly think this is a good step forward for our development.

Obviously with this still in the development stage, the details of how this will work aren't fully outlined yet, but we will keep the community informed as and when we know.


In het nieuws bericht kan je nu ook lezen dat het een domme 1 april grap was, gelukkig maar. Al zou het ook niet slecht zijn dat kleine bugjes snel weg gewerkt worden. :dans:

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