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De Bumpers uit Wheels arch angels

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weet iemand hoe die voor en achter bumpers van wheels arch angels heten in gta3.img

Bewerkt: door The Spanierd

elegy, exh_a_l, exh_c_l, fbmp_a_l, fbmp_c_l, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rbmp_a_l, rbmp_c_l, rf_a_l, rf_c_l, spl_a_l_b, spl_c_l_b, wg_l_a_l, wg_l_c_l

flash, exh_a_f, exh_c_f, fbmp_a_f, fbmp_c_f, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rbmp_a_f, rbmp_c_f, rf_a_f, rf_c_f, spl_a_f_r, spl_c_f_r, wg_l_a_f, wg_l_c_f

jester, exh_a_j, exh_c_j, fbmp_a_j, fbmp_c_j, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rbmp_a_j, rbmp_c_j, spl_a_j_b, spl_c_j_b, rf_a_j, rf_c_j, wg_l_a_j, wg_l_c_j, nto_b_s

stratum, exh_a_st, exh_c_st, fbmp_a_st, fbmp_c_st, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rbmp_a_st, rbmp_c_st, rf_a_st, rf_c_st, spl_a_st_r, spl_c_st_r, wg_l_a_st, wg_l_c_st

sultan, exh_a_s, exh_c_s, fbmp_a_s, fbmp_c_s, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rbmp_a_s, rbmp_c_s, rf_a_s, rf_c_s, spl_a_s_b, spl_c_s_b, wg_l_a_s, wg_l_c_s

uranus, exh_a_u, exh_c_u, fbmp_a_u, fbmp_c_u, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rbmp_a_u, rbmp_c_u, rf_a_u, rf_c_u, spl_a_u_b, spl_c_u_b, wg_l_a_u, wg_l_c_u

ik denk dat je fbmp_a_l en dergelijke moet hebben.

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