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groot news er is een 0.2 beta uitgekome hier te downloade ze zeggeen dat als er meer als 200 mensen er in zitten dan het ge reast word en ook zeggen ze dat hem om 12 uur engelse tijd (11 uur nl tijd) word gereast en ik heb het net gespeeld en het ei echt super cool echt de moite waard moet je downloade en we hopen dat het snel word gereast!!!!

edit: het was een player limit test met dank aan de gene die er op zaten!

Bewerkt: door master gta

Wat is er zo cool aan? Het enige nieuwe wat ik heb gezien is nieuwe loading screens, en er is nu een cursor als je typt. Verder niks.

Wat is er zo cool aan? Het enige nieuwe wat ik heb gezien is nieuwe loading screens, en er is nu een cursor als je typt. Verder niks.
New features in 0.2

What they promised and what we got.

The points marked with a * symbol are features that I have seen implemented in 0.2 beta, or that someone else has told me they are there. The text after the -s is my comment on the feature and it's implementation in 0.2

Anounced on June 23rd, 2006

-CreateObject(modelid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:rX, Float:rY, Float:rZ)* -Thanks to Cam for the parameters. It probably returns an "objectid" to use with the next functions.






-Get/SetPlayerArmour -armor cheaters are still out there, just hope it's only because the servers don't have ACs and not because this function is not there.

-GetPlayerArmedWeapon* -Out there but with a new name, thanks Simon

Announced on October 2nd, 2006

-Get/SetPlayerArmour –armor cheaters are still out there

-SetPlayerMarker* -used for the bank ($) icons in Peter's server.

-Set/RemovePlayerMapIcon –I think this one was removed

-LinkVehicleToInterior –haven't seen it yet

-Get/SetPlayerAmmo –maybe it is there, but what I saw looked like a normal GivePlayerWeapon

-GetPlayerInterior –can’t know



-CallRemoteFunction –can’t know yet

-AllowPlayerTeleport -no

-AllowAdminTeleport -no

-GetPlayerWeaponData -mmm


-Create/DestroyVehicle* -thanks Simon

-Get/SetVehicleHealth* –SetVehicleHealth is used in the /vr command, though it doesn't repair popped tyres. I can't confirm GetVehicleHealth.

- RCon BANIP added. –can’t know

- Fixed Filterscript return in OnPlayerText having no effect –can’t know

- Admins can now teleport to places by right-clicking somewhere on the map. –don’t know

- Parachutes being opened in cars fixed. –have to try this one out

- Tire popping synced. (Can be enabled/disabled via the script).*

- Fixed drivebys not syncing occasionally.* -at least I didn’t have any problems with the dbs

- Race-styled checkpoints.* - seen in the video, I’ll assume they are in.

- Scripts can now toggle interior weapons being allowed.*

- Trailers*

- Changable weather.*

- Throwable weapons now work.* -except the satchel charges.

- Kick/ban now properly disconnects the user. –dunno about this one

- OnPlayerDisconnect now informed of reason. –can’t know

- Dynamically created vehicles* –thanks Simon

- Tank turret sync*

- Interscript communication –can’t know

- Trains re-introduced.*

- Improved text entry.* –If you type the start of someone's name and press TAB it will autocomplete and if you type something you can scroll up by pressing up to say it again but right-to-left writing isn’t supported anymore and displaying the chatbox lags the game (this will be fixed)

- Players drop weapons when they die* -appears to be done with scripting, but ammo they drop is not the ammo the players had

- Fixed the bug where two players can enter the car as driver* -fixed for me, but there are people who still experience it (http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=16074.msg110231)

- Server-side car position saving*

- Re-introduced object scripting stuff -dunno

- Filterscript timers are not killed after a game mode restart/change –can’t know

- Fixed the server crash concerning the samp.ban file having empty lines –can’t know

- Pickups are now reset on game mode change* –I suppose this is fixed with the new dynamic pickups

- OnGameModeInit and OnGameModeExit implemented for filterscripts –can’t know

- Fixed OnFilterScriptExit not being called –can’t know

- Given Rcon access to PAWN Commands –can’t know

- Empty /pm or /msg causing a local crash now fixed.* –"Enter a message!"

- New Rcon command: players, which shows the player's name and IP. –can’t know

- Fixed a crash where you enter a car mod shop in debug mode –can’t know

New scripting commands: GetPlayerPing, GetPlayerIP, and GetPlayerWeapon –I didn’t see any of these

- server_log.txt is flushed instantly, instead delayed –can’t know yet

- server_log.txt is appended, instead of rewritten –can’t know yet

Announced on December 2nd, 2006

(full text is posted on the dev blog)

-Improving support for weapons.* -First person (RPG, rifle, sniper rifle) and throwables (read above for more info) now work. Also, AK47 and M4 aiming is fixed: aiming for the head now hits the head.

-Synced reloading*


-Friendly fire* –Used in Rivershell, thanks The Azer

-SetTimerEx, CallRemoteFunction, and CallLocalFunction –can’t know

-CreateExplosion.* –used in Peter's server, thanks The Azer

-"white health bar" bug fixed. –the bug is fixed, confirmed by Zamaroht

Announced on December 25th, 2006

(full text is posted on the dev blog)


-Per player time -I don't know

-Objects* -Yes, but I think they are all global and not player based.

-Virtual worlds* –used in Peter's server, thanks The Azer

Other announced features

-GetPlayerKeys* -it’s out there, and it’s the one used to create the ramps. For an explanation about these you can read this post by Peter: http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=127...g87204#msg87204

-GetPlayerAngle and GetVehicleAngle with all the supported angles -haven't seen them yet, thanks to Xeon for these.

-A working OnVehicleDeath -haven't heard about this one for a while.

-A fixed GetVehiclePos -I don't know

-A working PutPlayerInVehicle* -seems this is the one used to put people in the train/tram.

Unannounced features :o

-GUI Menus* -Scripts can create SA menus, like the ones used in food and mod shops. An example is the TK punish menu in PS.

-OnPlayerPickUpPickup* -thanks Simon

Voorderest was het een test om 200 spelers, 700 voertuigen en nieuwe animaties te testen. Over de animaties, je ziet nu werkelijk de animatie van de pedestrian zelf (wat je in singleplayer ook ziet) ipv de animatie van CJ.

Geplaatst: (bewerkt)

Waarom komen de Public beta's niet op de homepage te staan van SA-MP zelf.

Want ik vind dit best onhandig zo want ik mis telkens de beta's en Dynamic wil met extreme lag ook testen. (wat ik altijd heb helaas)

Maar is die beta er nu nog of is hij over? :sigaar:

Edit: Over :(

Bewerkt: door Dynamic

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