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misschien toch politie kleding

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he luitjes ik deed me spel gta san andreas is in de pc wou kijken of er wat op stond toen keek ik en toen zag ik een file staan met de naam: CLOTHES.DAT

ik ging dus in die map kijken en toen kreeg ik een hele lijst voor me met kleding

en dit stond er:


# file: clothes.dat

# description: File listing cutscene replacements for clothes models and rules

# about what clothes models can be used with what



# Rules:

# SETC <model1> <comp> <model2>:

# If player has "model1" then set component "comp" to be "model2".

# TEX <model> <tex>:

# If player has "model" then set its texture to be "tex".

# HIDE <model> <comp>:

# If player has "model" then hide component "comp".

# CUTS <model1> <model2>:

# If player has "model1" then in a cutscene give them "model2".

# IGNORE <model>:

# If player has "model" then ignore rules related to "model"

# ENDIGNORE <model>:

# End the ignoring of rules based on "model".



# gimp suit

SETC gimpleg head gimpmask gimpmask

SETC gimpleg torso gimptorso gimp

SETC gimpleg feet gimpfeet gimpshoe

SETC gimpleg hands gimphands -

HIDE gimpleg legs

#police suit

SETC policetr torso policeshirt policeshirt

SETC policetr feet shoe shoedressblk

HIDE policetr legs

#medic outfit

SETC medictr torso policeshirt medic

SETC medictr feet shoe shoedressblk

HIDE medictr legs


SETC pimptr torso pimp pimp

SETC pimptr feet pimpshoe pimpshoe

HIDE pimptr legs

#Mechanic Outfit

SETC garagetr torso garagetop garagetop

SETC garagetr feet bask1 timbergrey

HIDE garagetr legs


SETC valet legs suit1tr suit1trblk

SETC valet feet shoe shoedressblk

HIDE valet torso

#country bumpkin

SETC countrytr torso country country

SETC countrytr feet bask1 timbergrey

HIDE countrytr legs

IGNORE balaclava

IGNORE gimpmask

IGNORE cornrows

IGNORE tramline


SETC bandana head head -

SETC helmet head head -

SETC cowboy head head -

SETC trilby head head -

SETC hattiger head head -

SETC hatmanc head head -

SETC cap head head -

SETC capknit head head -

SETC caprimup head head -

SETC capback head head -

SETC boxingcap head head -

SETC bowler head head -

SETC boater head head -

SETC beret head head -

SETC captruck head head -

SETC capover head head -

SETC capovereye head head -

SETC capside head head -

SETC bandknots head flatears -

SETC skullycap head flatears -

SETC bikerhelmet head head -

SETC moto head flatears -

ENDIGNORE balaclava

ENDIGNORE gimpmask

ENDIGNORE cornrows

ENDIGNORE tramline

IGNORE balaclava

IGNORE gimpmask

SETC moto head flatears -

SETC skullycap head flatears -

ENDIGNORE balaclava

ENDIGNORE gimpmask

#change legs model when wearing boots


IGNORE chonger

IGNORE boxingshort

IGNORE shorts

IGNORE cutoff

SETC biker legs worktrboot -

SETC boxingshoe legs worktrboot -



ENDIGNORE boxingshort



#change necklaces to bigger one for jackets and shirts


SETC hoodya necklace neck_hoodya -

SETC shirtb necklace neck_shirt -

SETC trackytop1 necklace neck_tracky -

SETC tshirt necklace neck_tracky -

SETC tshirt2 necklace neck_tracky -

SETC field necklace neck_field -

SETC baseball necklace neck_tracky -

SETC bbjack necklace neck_bb -

SETC denim necklace neck_shirt -

SETC sweat necklace neck_tracky -

SETC wcoat necklace neck_shirt -

SETC coach necklace neck_shirt -

SETC painter necklace neck_shirt -

SETC shirta necklace neck_shirt -

SETC hawaii necklace neck_shirt -

SETC hoodjack necklace neck_hoodya -

SETC suit1 necklace neck_shirt -

SETC suit2 necklace neck_shirt -

SETC leather necklace neck_shirt -

SETC policeshirt necklace neck_shirt -



SETC hoodya necklace neck2_hoodya -

SETC shirtb necklace neck2_shirt -

SETC field necklace neck2_field -

SETC bbjack necklace neck2_bb -

SETC denim necklace neck2_shirt -

SETC wcoat necklace neck2_shirt -

SETC coach necklace neck2_shirt -

SETC painter necklace neck2_shirt -

SETC shirta necklace neck2_shirt -

SETC hawaii necklace neck2_shirt -

SETC hoodjack necklace neck2_hoodya -

SETC suit1 necklace neck2_shirt -

SETC suit2 necklace neck2_shirt -

SETC leather necklace neck2_shirt -

SETC policeshirt necklace neck2_shirt -



SETC hoodya watch watch_hoody -

SETC shirtb watch watch_hoody -

SETC field watch watch_hoody -

SETC trackytop1 watch watch_hoody -

SETC bbjack watch watch_hoody -

SETC sweat watch watch_hoody -

SETC coach watch watch_hoody -

SETC hoodya watch watch_hoody -

SETC hoodjack watch watch_hoody -

SETC leather watch watch_hoody -


# extras that get in the way of certain clothes

HIDE helmet glasses

HIDE moto glasses

HIDE boxingcap glasses

HIDE hockeymask glasses

HIDE balaclava head

# cutscene replacement models

CUTS head cs_head

CUTS cornrows cs_cornrows

CUTS afro cs_afro

CUTS highafro cs_highafro

CUTS wedge cs_wedge

CUTS slope cs_slope

CUTS flattop cs_flattop

CUTS tramline cs_tramline

CUTS groovecut cs_groovecut

CUTS jheri cs_jheri

CUTS mohawk cs_mohawk

CUTS elvishair cs_elvishair

CUTS gimpmask cs_gimpmask

CUTS hands cs_hands

CUTS bandana cs_bandana

CUTS bandknots cs_bandknots

CUTS zorromask cs_zorro

CUTS bandmask cs_bandmask

CUTS flatears cs_flatears

CUTS bikerhelmet cs_bikerhelmet


Geplaatst: (bewerkt)
heb jij gta sa op de pc??!!

is gta sa al uit op de pc?

Nee is niet uit op de PC duurt ook nog wel meer dan 100 dagen

Hij heeft de PS2 disc in de DVD player van de PC gestopt , En dat zegt hij toch ook.

Volgende keer iets beter lezen ;)

Bewerkt: door mazzeltje

:huh: Hmn.. Lees ik het nou goed? *geloof het wel :puh:* maar staat er naast politie pak ook medic? en country bumpkin *geen idee:P wat dat idus inhoud* maar dat is wel vet! Staat ook mechanic geloof ik


uniforms krijg je van vriendinnen. Als je 100% progress haalt met Katie dan krijg je de medic uniform. Van Michelle krijg je de race-outfit voor hetzelfde resultaat

Katie vind je op de golfbaan van Avispa country club in San Fierro tussen 12:00 en 0:00 en Michelle is in de rijschool te vinden tussen 0:00 en 12:00 B)

uniforms krijg je van vriendinnen. Als je 100% progress haalt met Katie dan krijg je de medic uniform. Van Michelle krijg je de race-outfit voor hetzelfde resultaat

Katie vind je op de golfbaan van Avispa country club in San Fierro tussen 12:00 en 0:00 en Michelle is in de rijschool te vinden tussen 0:00 en 12:00 B)

En de suits:

#country bumpkin

#Mechanic Outfit

Krijg je di e ook door iets te volbrengen? En wat is het nut ervan? :)

Mechanic is van Michelle en dat country nogwat van helena

mechanic neit vanmichelle die heeft racing suit

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