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De Readme.txt wordt geïnstalleerd (ik val in herhaling :duh: ). Dat is een tekst bestand en die kan je niet aan of uit zetten, die kan je lezen of niet lezen. :7

Display > Frame limiter > advenced > on/off

als je hem off zet stunt je hoger en kan je over verdere afstanden stunten

Nu ga je wel wat offtopic, aangezien de vraag van m.e.t. de opties waren, niet de frame limiter :7

De Readme.txt wordt geïnstalleerd (ik val in herhaling :duh: ). Dat is een tekst bestand en die kan je niet aan of uit zetten, die kan je lezen of niet lezen. :7

Display > Frame limiter > advenced > on/off

als je hem off zet stunt je hoger en kan je over verdere afstanden stunten

Nu ga je wel wat offtopic, aangezien de vraag van m.e.t. de opties waren, niet de frame limiter :7

Het viel als een tip. Maar zo te zien articuleer jij het niet goed.

Ik kan de draw disblabla en de advanged ofzo niet vinden. Ik heb ps2
Dat zijn ook instellingen voor de PC, het spel op de PS2 heeft ook geen readme. :puh:
Ik kan de draw disblabla en de advanged ofzo niet vinden. Ik heb ps2
Dat zijn ook instellingen voor de PC, het spel op de PS2 heeft ook geen readme. :puh:

Er zijn dan ook maar weinig opties in het pauze menu, 1 van de opties is dat je muziek kan instellen instellen en je stats bekijken ( volgens mij ).

Geplaatst: (bewerkt)


Hmm, volgens mij snapt niemand meer iets van alle posts hier. @.@



"Controller" Setup Page



Mouse and Keys / Joypad

Sets the control method to either Mouse and Keyboard or Joypad.

Redefine Controls

Opens the "Foot Controls" and "Vehicle Controls" pages to allow setting up differing controls methods for each.


Settings / Mouse Settings

Opens the "Joypad Settings" or "Mouse settings" pages, dependant on how you have set the Configuration

Restore Defaults

Restores the CONTROLLER settings back to defaults.

"Mouse Settings" Page


Mouse Sensitivity


Allows the user to set the mouse sensitivity to personal preference.

Invert Mouse Vertically

On / Off

Inverts the Y axis of the mouse.

Steer With Mouse

On / Off

Switches between in vehicle mouse steering and in vehicle mouse look.

"Joypad Settings" Page


Invert Left Stick X

On / Off

Swap left and right on the left stick.

Invert Left Stick Y

On / off

Swap up and down on the left stick.

Invert Left Axis

On / Off

Swap axis on the left stick, so left / right become up / down and up / down become left / right.

Invert Right Stick X

On / Off

Swap left and right on the right stick.

Invert Right Stick Y

On / Off

Swap up and down on the right stick.

Invert Right Axis

On / Off

Swap axis on the right stick, so left / right become up / down and up / down become left / right.

"Audio" Setup page


Radio Volume


Adjust radio volume.

SFX Volume


Adjust sound effect volume.

Radio EQ

On / Off

If this option is set to on, then the bass response and audio quality of the radio will vary from vehicle to vehicle depending on what type of vehicle is being driven. When set to off, all vehicle radio will be normalized to the best possible quality.

Radio Auto-Tune

On / Off

If enabled, when changing vehicle, this automatically tunes the radio to the user’s last selected radio station.

User Radio Options

Opens the "User Radio Options" page.

Radio Station Player

Allows the user to preview any radio station.

Restore Defaults

Restores the AUDIO options to default settings.

"User Radio Options" Page


Play Mode

Radio / Random / Sequential

Radio - User tracks interspersed with radio commercials.

Random - Plays the user tracks uninterrupted and at random.

Sequential - Plays the user tracks in alphabetical order.

Automatic Media Scan

On / Off

Forces the game to re-scan for user tracks each time it is loaded.

Scan User Tracks

Allows the user to scan the user tracks folder for compatible audio files.

"Display" Setup Page




Allows you to brighten or darken the game to take account of monitor differences.


On / Off

Enables or disables the legend on the map screen.

Radar Mode

Map and Blips / Blips / Off

Enables and disables the on-screen map, and the display of mission blips (objectives) on this map.

HUD Mode

On / Off

Enables/disables the on screen display (Health, radar, money etc.)


On / Off

Enables and disables subtitles in cut-scenes.

Store Gallery Photos

On / Off

Enables and disables the user’s ability to save photographs taken in game to the SA user files directory.


Opens the "Advanced Display Options" page.

Restore Defaults

Returns the DISPLAY settings back to default.

"Advanced" Display Options Page


Draw Distance


Allows the user to adjust the draw distance to better suit his/her setup. (Turning up the draw distance too far may result in frame rate instability.)

Frame Limiter

On / Off

Normally the frame rate of GRAND THEFT AUTO: San Andreas is capped at 30 frames per second. This option allows the game to go faster than 30 frames per second. Be warned that this will not magically make GRAND THEFT AUTO: San Andreas run better, but rather may make your experience "more variable". We do not recommend un-locking the frame rate. If you have a fast machine, it is far preferable to increase resolution, detail options, anti aliasing, etc. rather than trying to achieve a higher frame rate by un-locking the Frame Limiter. This will lead to a more variable game play experience.


On / Off

This option is not as obvious as it sounds. Using the Widescreen toggle you can force a 4:3 aspect ratio resolution to use a 16:9 aspect ratio (so if GRAND THEFT AUTO: San Andreas only offers you 4:3 aspect ratio screen resolutions to use, but your laptop has a 16:9 ratio widescreen display, then this will force the 4:3 resolution to look like 16:9, thereby sorting out the "squashed CJ" look). A proper 16:9 resolution displayed on a 16:9 screen does not need the use of the Widescreen toggle (or this will result in "skinny CJ").

Visual FX Quality

Low / Medium / High / Very High

This option allows the player to change the depth and amount of in game effects to better suit his/her PC configuration.

MIP Mapping

On / Off

Turns on and off the MIP mapping function of the game. This may be greyed out, in which case you are probably forcing Mip Mapping on in your video card drivers. Mip Mapping can help smooth transitions between different sized textures. This can be noticed most in roads that go away from the player.

Anti Aliasing

Modes 1 - 6

Allows the user to select the level of Anti-Aliasing applied to the in game graphics. This will not necessarily offer all modes on all graphics cards; this is limited to what the hardware can do, and available video memory.


Modes (640*480*32 - Highest your monitor allows)

Select the screen resolution to run GRAND THEFT AUTO: San Andreas in. We do not recommend using 16 bit colour modes if possible.

Bewerkt: door ikt

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