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Ik heb een vraag,

ik heb Killerkip's mod gedownload en heb dus ook een paar missies gedaan, maar ik zie nu peds en auto's meer. Ik zie nog wel bij de Ammu-Nation zo'n gast staan die jou geweren ''verkoopt'' maar op straat zie ik geen mensen meer en ook geen auto's. Wat kan ik doen?

Ik vond het niet zo nodig om een geheel nieuw topic aan te maken.

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Q: The mod installs just fine, but when I load my saved game, there are no pedestrians - and no cars.

A: Some people have problems when using the limitadjuster. The most common problem is the absence of pedestrians and cars in the streets. Just exit the game, open limitadjuster again, and decrease the streaming memory value. Just do it 5MB at a time or so, and get back into the game to see if there are peds. If there are still no people in the streets, exit the game and lower the value again. Keep repeating this procedure until the peds return. However, do not go under 45MB.

Alternatively, you could use this gta-vc.exe or the gta-vc.exe that skatehead made for his mod.

Dit staat op de site van Killerkip.

Heb je trouwens dit wel gedaan:

STEP 11 : Run the program 'VCLimitAdjuster.exe', located in your VC directory. Change the 3 values you are allowed to change into:

Streaming Memory: 96

Dummys: 3500

Buildings: 8500

Dit is belangrijk, anders zal het inderdaad niet werken.

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Q: The mod installs just fine, but when I load my saved game, there are no pedestrians - and no cars.

A: Some people have problems when using the limitadjuster. The most common problem is the absence of pedestrians and cars in the streets. Just exit the game, open limitadjuster again, and decrease the streaming memory value. Just do it 5MB at a time or so, and get back into the game to see if there are peds. If there are still no people in the streets, exit the game and lower the value again. Keep repeating this procedure until the peds return. However, do not go under 45MB.

Alternatively, you could use this gta-vc.exe or the gta-vc.exe that skatehead made for his mod.

Dit staat op de site van Killerkip.

Heb je trouwens dit wel gedaan:

STEP 11 : Run the program 'VCLimitAdjuster.exe', located in your VC directory. Change the 3 values you are allowed to change into:

Streaming Memory: 96

Dummys: 3500

Buildings: 8500

Dit is belangrijk, anders zal het inderdaad niet werken.

Ok ik zal het gelijk proberen. Bedankt! ^_^

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