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About This File

-Police Bobcat for GTA Vice city-


De Police Bobcat (AKA BobSkat) vervangt de Police.

Ik heb de otiginele files megeleverd, moest er iets mis gaan, kan je altijd de originele bestanden verwisselen.

De 2 bijgeleverde bestanden moet je plaatsen in GTA3.img, om gta3.img te openen heb je de IMG Tool (aanbevolen) nodig,

die is onder andere te downloaden op gtagames.nl, je kunt hem vinden in de download database.


The Police Bobcat (AKA BobSkat) replaces the Police.

i incluted the original files as a backup, so, if something went wrong, you can put the original files back.

You need to put the modded files in youre GTA3.img, To open the GTA3.img, you need a tool like imgtool 2.0 (recommed),

you can download it on gtagarage.com, you can find it in the downoad database.


All right reserved 2006-2007© Dont rip it, DaBeast© made it.

Dont put it on your site (or use it in youre mod) without my permission.

To ask permission, mail me at: dabeastmods(at) gmail DOT com

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