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Na het voltooien van de verhaallijn in GTA V, krijg je een document van Dr. Isiah Friedlander op je scherm te zien waarop je kunt aflezen hoe hij jou, na alle keuzes die je tijdens het spelen hebt genomen inschat. Dit rapport is achteraf ook terug te vinden op de social club, bij de sectie missies. Aangezien niet iedereen dezelfde keuzes maakt is elk rapport dus verschillend. Het lijkt mij daarom leuk om ons persoonlijk rapport hier te plaatsen, en met elkaar te vergelijken. Ik trap af:


Posted (edited)

From the office of Dr Isiah Friedlander

Client Notes - Highly Confidential

I sincerely hope someone arrests this maniac very soon.

Definitely incapable of making a real decision.

Wants to see self as a leader.

Loves showing off with money.

Prone to being judgmental about some weaknesses but not own.

Sexually judgmental about some things.

Will probably get left by family.

Investor type - which is odd given risk taking as unlikely to make old bones.

Terrifyingly insular.

Incapable of respecting property rights.

Well, the yoga was not popular. Unlike the murder.

A freak of many things, but not of physical fitness.

Makes friends easily. Poor friends.

Not bothered with tasks they deem 'boring'.

What a bizarre assortment of problems.

Ik heb die nub overigens een koppie kleiner gemaakt. Therapist van niks.

Edited by Dipsie8

Heeft iemand al een idee welke dingen je bij wat voor acties krijgt?

Er zijn er wel een paar acties die ik vermoed te weten:

  • Geef je veel of weinig geld uit? (very cost concious bij mij)
  • Doe je activiteiten met je familie, of reageer je positief op de optionele missie die zij je geven? (telefoontjes van Amanda, Tracy en Jimmy)
  • Doe je aan yoga, of spendeer je meer tijd aan het vermoorden van mensen.
  • Hoe lang doe je over het maken van een keuze (bijvoorbeeld het kiezen van een optie bij de heistvoorbereidingen)
  • Doe je aan sport of juist niet? (At least they don't over exercise bij mij)
  • ...

Zoals gezegd zijn dit slechts vermoedens, maar ik denk wel dat de meeste kloppen.


From the office of Dr Isiah Friedlander

Client Notes - Highly Confidential

Remarkable - a true sociopath.

Classic fence sitter!

Scared of ageing. Which is a worry.

Tries to fill void with things.

Bizarre moralizer at times - which makes me laugh.

Uses women heartlessly - then again, no sane woman would want to know!

Lazy and solipsistic - then again, family is awful.

Keen to be part of American dream, which is odd.

Easily offended to point of extreme rage.

Frighteningly cold hearted about other people when it comes to property, etc.

Thought yoga was beneath them. Prefers mass murder as a way of calming the nerves.

Physically unambitious.

Seems to meet a lot of very strange people.

Lazy in some ways.

So this is why I went to medical school.

Ik vind vooral de laatste zin wel leuk.

  • 1 month later...

Even dit nog eens omhoog gooien. Heb na 47 dagen de game eindelijk uitgespeeld!

From the office of Dr Isiah Friedlander

Client Notes - Highly Confidential

Remarkable - a true sociopath.

Occasionally makes complex choices.

Will find ageing very problematic.

Throws money around very freely - suggest sexual inadequacies - must investigate further.

Possibly repressed.

Sexual risk taker - remember not to shake hands!

Ignores people closest to him.

Investor type - which is odd given risk taking as unlikely to make old bones.

Psychopath or sociopath? Both.

Compulsive and repeat thief.

Ignores anything spiritual.

Over exercise not a vice! At least there's one...

Friendly, in a way.


Hmmm... bat shit crazy.

Leuke laatste zin :3


From the office of Dr Isiah Friedlander

Client Notes - Highly Confidential

Remarkable - a true sociopath.

Occasionally makes complex choices.

Will find ageing very problematic.

Probably end up in the poor house - still should pay for my ski chalet.

Desperate for female attention.

Definite whore / Madonna complex. More on the whore side of things.

Loyal to crazy family, which I suppose is a start.

Scared of wider society, except when robbing it.

I wish I knew what meds to offer them - arsenic?

Violent thief.

Not much of a yogi... hardly a surprise.

Definitely not a fitness freak - just a freak.

Like strangers.

Possible A.D.D.?

Hmm - probably one to write about in next book.


Bit of a confusing case - not really sure where to begin.

Classic fence sitter!

Likes to think of self as big cheese.

Probably end up in the poor house - still should pay for my ski chalet.

Bizarre moralizer at times - which makes me laugh.

Has some moral boundaries, it seems - just nowhere near enough.

Very dependent on family for self-worth, which is odd.

Doubt much of a pension - then again, probably won't need one.

Terrifyingly insular.

Tends to not steal too much more than situation requires - is that a good thing? I have no idea anymore.

Not very into yoga, it seems.

Avoids strenuous exercise.

Like strangers.

Easily distracted.

Hmmm... that’s all I can say... hmmm.

Ik weet niet of dit iets goeds zegt over mij maar ik ga sowieso

opnieuw spelen en alles doen via tips op internet. Lester missies

doen met aankopen en beter me mensen kiezen zodat ik veel

geld binnen haal. Ik heb nu alleen maar serieus gespeeld en te snel,

denk ik :puh:

  • 2 months later...

Echt cool dat iedereen bij het uitspelen een 'eigen dossier' krijgt van de psychiater.

From the office of Dr Isiah Friedlander

Client Notes - Highly Confidential

An intriguing case.

Good at compromise. Not so good at willpower.

Doesn't hate self as much as any sane person would.

Hides myriad inadequacies behind cash being thrown around.

At times, can be oddly morally superior, which is incredible.

Eager, desperate, malicious, heartless - classic psychopath.

Family minded for some reason.

Avoids speculation.

Frighteningly myopic about suffering (of others).

Respects some property rights - not others, of course.

Thought yoga was silly - instead seems to like slaughter.

Lazy, lazy, lazy.

Makes friends easily. Poor friends.

Not able to really finish things they start.

A real mess.


From the office of Dr Isiah Friedlander

Client Notes - Highly Confidential

Deranged. Seriously deranged.

Definitely incapable of making a real decision.

Show me the father and I will show you the neuroses.

Throws money around very freely - suggest sexual inadequacies - must investigate further.

Likes to show off around women.

Treats women as a commodity.

Avoids family commitments.

Will end up very rich or entirely bankrupt. Cannot decide which.

Vindictive in the extreme.

Incapable of respecting property rights.

Ignores anything spiritual.

A freak of many things, but not of physical fitness.

Seems to meet a lot of very strange people.

Struggles to see things through to the end - sometimes.

A real mess.



From the office of Dr Isiah Friedlander

Client Notes - Highly Confidential

This lunatic will retire me.

Cannot make up mind - seemingly about anything.

At times can really embrace his hypocrisy.

Very cost conscious.

Bit of a peeping tom.

Sexually judgmental about some things.

Ignores family life.

Eager capitalist.

Needlessly vindictive.

Probably not a full blown kleptomaniac.

Yoga? Wow! It's not working very well.

Avoids strenuous exercise.

Avoids new experiences.

Finds finishing jobs challenging.

Bizarre case study in excess.

Het valt nog mee als je sommige hierboven bekijkt. :puh:


Echt cool dat iedereen bij het uitspelen een 'eigen dossier' krijgt van de psychiater.

From the office of Dr Isiah Friedlander

Client Notes - Highly Confidential

An intriguing case.

Good at compromise. Not so good at willpower.

Doesn't hate self as much as any sane person would.

Hides myriad inadequacies behind cash being thrown around.

At times, can be oddly morally superior, which is incredible.

Eager, desperate, malicious, heartless - classic psychopath.

Family minded for some reason.

Avoids speculation.

Frighteningly myopic about suffering (of others).

Respects some property rights - not others, of course.

Thought yoga was silly - instead seems to like slaughter.

Lazy, lazy, lazy.

Makes friends easily. Poor friends.

Not able to really finish things they start.

A real mess.

Dit principe zat ook in het spel Silent Hill: Shattered Memories uit 2009.

From the office of Dr Isiah Friedlander

Client Notes - Highly Confidential

Don't know exactly what to make of this one.

Definitely incapable of making a real decision.

Very grandiose.

Not good at sharing.

Thinks of self as above certain temptations.

Sexually needy, heartless - uses and discards women - wonders why cannot form real relationships!

Incapable of seeing needs of others.

Enjoys speculation.

Needlessly vindictive.

Serial thief.

Yogi? No. not so much. Happier with lunacy.

At least they don't over exercise.

Like strangers.

Not a finisher.

Oh brother!

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