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hoe kun je nu kempi vergelijke met 50

50 is te commercieel en kempi niet

Kempi kun je zeker wel vergelijken met 50 Cent, in bepaalde reffreinen van liedjes ''zingen'' ze allebei, zie bijv. Zoveel Stress en Best Friend ofzo.. Op dat gebied zijn ze (volgens Kempi) hetzelfde. In het begin werd Kempi juist niet gerespecteerd omdat hij soms zijn reffreinen zingt, maar toen Baas B met z'n Diemen Zuid shit kwam vonden ze het ineens wel goed (aldus Kempi zelf..) Ik vind het iig (zoals vele anderen) wel goed relaxt klinken.

Maar Kempi noemt zichzelf toch een rapper? Ik vind dat rappers niet horen te zingen.

Waarom niet? Iedere rapper heeft toch zo zijn eigen stijl? In bepaalde nummers klinkt het wel vet vind ik persoonlijk..

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Ja, je mag zeker je eigen stijl hebben. Maar rap=rap en rap=geen zang. Maar van mij mag ie zingen, er zijn genoeg mensen die het leuk vinden, maar ik hou er niet van.

Nee ze rappen toch ook gewoon in die nummers? Als een paar reffreintjes worden gezongen dan is het toch niet eens een gewoon ''zang'' nummer? Dus dan is rap toch ook geen zang?

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Nee, maar het reffrein is het belangrijkste deel van een nummer, dus ik vind dat ze dat niet horen te zingen...

Reffrein hoeft niet het belangrijkst te zijn.. Maar het is jouw mening dat ze niet horen te zingen, maar als het gewoon vet klinkt is er niks mis mee vind ik. En als het gezongen word, rijmt het vaak nog wel, dus in princiepe blijft het nogwel rap maar dan anders ''gezongen''. Ieder zijn stijl..

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De Nederlandse rapformatie ‘The Opposites’ brengt via de website www.tonybell.nl een gratis album, met de naam ‘Rauwdauw’. Volgens lid Willy liepen de jongens al een tijdje met het idee rond, maar hadden ze geen idee op welke wijze het album uitgebracht moest worden.

Via ‘regelneef’ Tony Bell is het album er nu toch gekomen. Ondanks dat het album niet echt afgerond is, is het wel helemaal door anderen geproduceerd. Big2 heeft zich deze keer alleen gestort op het spitten.

Het volgende album van The Opposites is overigens ook afgerond en wordt in maart of april in de winkels verwacht.

Check hieronder de tracklist van ‘Rauwdauw’

1. Geen Klasse, Geen Stijl

2. Van 't Dorp naar de Stad

3. Kotsmisselijk

4. Lovely ft Sef (Flinke Namen), Fit (Flinke Namen) & Heist-Rockah

5. Baas ft. QF

6. Pomp 't Op!!!

7. Eén van ons

8. Willem

9. Homeboys ft. Wen Regal

10. Simpel & Klaar

BRON: Juize


Lijkt me wel een goed relaxt album! Ik vind De Fik Er In ook relaxt dus deze lijkt me ook wel vet.. Tot nu toe heb ik alleen nummer 1, Geen Klasse, Geen Stijl gehoord..

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21 Questions With Lloyd Banks

GUnitWorld.com: You may know him as "The Boy Wonder", "Lamborghini Lloyd" or "Blue Hefner". But regardless of what you call him, Lloyd Banks remains G Units lyrical muscle.

When hes not blazing mixtapes with his witticisms (“Thats like shooting your free throws,” says the 2003 “Mixtape Artist of the Year”), the 24-year-old rapper keeps busy with promotions for his sophomore album and studio time with his G Unit brethren. Clearly, Banks hasnt forgotten the tireless work ethic that first brought the Southside Queens, NY-based collective to prominence.

Just a few months after the release of Banks Rotten Apple, Vibe.com tried the original G Unit members way with words, sending him queries til he turned blue in the face.

Vibe.com: In honor of 50 Cents hit “21 Questions,” Im going to hit you with a mix of 21 “finish the sentence,” word association, and random questions. Cool?

1. I never leave home without…

Lloyd Banks: My sket a.k.a. my pistol.

2. The worst thing about being famous is…

Banks: Theres no off switch. Its on 24 hours.

3. The baddest chick in the game is…

Banks: Melyssa Ford.

4. G Unit is…

Banks: Hip Hop.

5. Rotten Apple...

Banks: New York City.

6. George Bush…

Banks: The boss.

7. How do you feel about George Bushs performance as president?

Banks: Its crazy, man. I aint no politician, but at the same time, its out there. Its just one big hustle. Somebodys in charge and somebody wants to be in charge. Thats what it all boils down to. I cant really speak too much on it, but thats why hes called the boss. If nobody knows whats going on, he does.

8. What was it like working with Rakim on your album?

Banks: Actually, I didnt work with him in the same studio. I recorded my whole album in my house. In time, you start to hear records a lot—none of these features were forced. These were things that happened from me listening to the album over and over and just imagining what it would sound like with somebody on it. Thats kind of how it came about. And its cool to have a stamp from somebody who was one of my main influences as I was coming up, alongside Slick Rick and Big Daddy Kane.

9. Did you hear about Freddie Foxx recently dissing Ra on a track?

Banks: Wow. Thats on him. I dont know where it stems from; its way before my time. But I got respect for both of them guys.

10. Flavor Flav…

Banks: Legend. Its crazy, I met Flav a few years ago in Barcelona. I had made a reference to his clock . I seen him in Barcelona and he was like, “Yo, man, that shit had my name ringing off in the cells.” Years later, hes got the biggest show ever on VH1.

11. What was it like appearing on “Flavor of Love 2?”

Banks: The show was hilarious. Its funny when youre watching it on TV but when youre there its even more funny because youre imagining whoevers at home watching. Youre there to see that it really goes on like this and these bitches are really psycho.

12. Would you ever have your own show like that?

Banks: Well see in the real near future. I actually got some things on the table working out with Playboy and if it all goes right then youll be seeing something like that in the future.

13. What would you call the show?

Banks: Id probably call it “My House.”

14. Whats the most unexpected thing that someone would find in your CD collection or on your iPod?

Banks: I dont know; thats a hard one. My CD collection is down to the minimum. When I was little, I used to have a lot of CDs. When I started making music I really stopped. I end up buying the same CDs over. I got like three Life After Deaths (Notorious B.I.G.), Reasonable Doubt (Jay-Z), Tupac, a lot of albums. I dont really go out and buy a lot of new albums.

15. Keeping it to the New York City classics?

Banks: Yeah, thats what I listen to when Im in my music mode. I dont got no guilty pleasures or no shit like that. I like a lot of records though. I like “Crazy” record, thatd probably be something they wouldnt expect. But a lot of people like that record and theyre just about platinum, so apparently millions of people like it.

16. When was the last time that you were star struck?

Banks: Thats just one of those things that my personality wouldnt allow. I never was that kind of dude. I think I just felt like I wanted to be something so much that I was thinking about how Im going to get to his level as opposed to star struck, a lot of the time you cant even imagine how he got there. And I know how he got there.

17. If you could date any celebrity, who would it be?

Banks: Halle Berry.

18. Other than G Unit...

Banks: You do have your T.I.s and your Jeezys and your Outkasts.

19. If you were a superhero, what powers would you have?

Banks: The biggest ears. Not literally, but I want to be able to hear everything. Thats what I do, thats how I make my money. So if I could hear that close to the ground, Id know whats coming next.

20. Is there anything that you know now that you wish you wouldve known when you first got into the music industry?

Banks: A lot of the things that were going through my head, they came to light so I cant really say there was nothing that I didnt know. I knew there was the possibility as far as niggas will change on you. If a nigga from your hood is getting drafted to the NBA and he made number one, everybodys happy for him because at the same time, theyre imagining where they can end up in his situation. Like, “Ill just be the nigga that does this.” Once it goes on and then a year goes by, two years, and you dont find your spot, it turns into hatred. I can say I really had an idea of what could happen; if I had the option, I wouldve kept my circle smaller.

21. The last question actually comes from Young Buck. He asks: “Why dont you have any kids yet?”

Banks: See these niggas be playing, man. I aint got no girl. And that aint something that you rush. Its a blessing. And I love their daughters like theyre my own. I wouldnt feel bitter if I didnt have any kids like that; Im 24 years old. At the end of the day, I got two brothers that I raised. They might as well be my damn kids. 50 says all the time, “You gotta know this bitch for five years before you even think about something like that,” you know what Im saying? “Why I aint got no kids,”—let me ask that nigga a question…

BRON: GUnitWorld.com

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Zijn er ook Belgische rappers? De Nihilisten, 't Hof Van Commerce en Starflam, dat zijn de enige die ik ken.

Kennen jullie nog andere belgische rappers?

Ik ken nog een andere Belgische rapper. Dat is de rapper Krewcial. Hij is bekend in Nederland door zijn samenwerking met Brainpower en Extince. Hij heeft een zeer leuke flow. Ik ken niet echt veel van zijn werk, maar als hij rapt moet ik altijd lachen om zijn raps.

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